[Patch] RACE TRACK, CAR SALON Patch 1.1.9 (Car Mechanic Simulator 2018) [1.1.9]

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Post 12-Aug-2017 19:50


Название игры: Car Mechanic Simulator 2018
Год выпуска: 11 авг. 2017
Автор/Разработчик: Red Dot Games
Тип раздачи: Patch
Версия программы: 1.1.9
Требуемая версия игры: 1.1.8
Язык интерфейса: Не важно
Требуемый язык игры: Не важно
Описание: We are pleased to introduce you patch 1.1.9 in which we added Race Track and Car Salon into game!
Please take your time to read those few words from developer.
Since game release day, 2 weeks ago, we were patching fixing and changing game constantly. There were 19 patches so far. We are working around the clock, 7 days a week to make this game work better and to make it bug free.
Part of a core team need a short break soon - few days should do the job - they do not saw their families much lately, and most of the team look like zombies now We decided that some of us will stay here and work on fixes, but next patch will need all team presence, so please keep that in mind, and give us few days to repair our health.
What next? In next weeks we would like to add few bigger things :
- Achievements, that you are waiting for
- Expandable Parkings, so you can store more cars inside
- Dyno, so you can measure your engine real horsepower
- New bonus track, to go crazy drift
- New Modding features
Besides this we will be patching and adding smaller features as always.
We are also remember about tuning parts and body tuning parts which we promised to deliver.
Also we would like to thank all for showing us support and raising our spirit. Thank you for reporting bugs, sending us logs, saves or screenshots so we can find those nasty bugs. Its because of you this game gets better and better every day.
Remember that if you like what we do, and you care about this series future, leave review on Steam. It is very important for us as a developer.
Each positive review gives us big boost to work, and after 14 hours of work each day, this positive feedback is telling us that someone is appreciating this.
Thank you!
Red Dot Games

Способ установки

1. Распаковать архив.
2. Запустить CMS 2018 v1.1.9 Patch.exe.
3. Нажать Browse.
3.1. Выбрать папку, где установлена игра, если появится надпись Required data not found in current dir or wrong version!, то игра не опознана и установка не рекомендуется. Если появилась надпись Valid version detected! Ready to Patch!, то игра определилась.
3.2. Нажать Start, ждём надписи Operation successfully completed!, жмём Exit.
4. Играем.
Список изменений / названий карт:
- Race Track
- Car Salon
- blocked examine tools on engine crain
- fixed issue where not all examined parts were liste on car info page
- balanced restoration bonus
- fixes in handling mod cars


Torrent: Registered [ 2017-08-12 19:50 ] · A01435A9938A934EA26C33AC06946BA518C6A6FE

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Size: 88 MB
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[Patch] RACE TRACK, CAR SALON Patch 1.1.9 (Car Mechanic Simulator 2018) [1.1.9] download torrent for free and without registration
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