ChessBase Fritz Trainer: Karsten Müller - Chess Endgames 13: Double rook endings (videoless) Год выпуска: 2013 Жанр: Шахматы Разработчик: Chessbase Издательство: ChessBase Системные требования: Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard Тип издания: RiP Язык интерфейса: только английский Таблэтка: Не требуется Программный модуль: ChessBase 9 Reader Аудио: WWMA2 32.0 kHz stereo 32.0 Kbps Описание: 13 часть посвящена ладейным окончаниям. Автор: С 1988 года гроссмейстер Д-р Карстен Мюллер из Гамбурга выступает за Гамбургер Schachklub в бундеслиге, а в 1996 и 1997 годах он занял третье место в немецком чемпионате. Как всемирно известный эксперт эндшпиля он является автором рубрики об эндшпиле в журнале ChessBase и автор рубрики Endgame Корнер на Продолжительность: 4 часов 34 мин.
GM Karsten Müller - Endgames 13: Double Rook Endgames Introduction 1st Chapter: Theoretical Positions 01: Relief through rook exchange 02: Rook exchange as a weapon for the attacker 03: Intermediate check weakens the opponent 04: Plus pawns protect the attacking king 05: The white king in the middle of nowhere 06: Karjakin's combative rooks 07: Double rooks increase the winning chances with four pawns versus three on one wing 2nd Chapter: Mate Attacks 01: Rooks on cloud nine 02: The white king in the cage 03: Fire on board 04: The role of the attacking king 05: Tomashevsky's tomahawk rooks 06: The neuralgic point f7 07: Caruana's king march 08: The opening of the 7th rank 09: Mate net with minimal means Part 1 10: Mate net with minimal means Part 2 11: Mate net with minimal means Part 3 12: The king himself tightens the net 13: The king in the trap 14: Karpov's classic versus Larsen 15: Rubinstein's classic versus Chigorin 3rd Chapter: The Right Exchange 01: Relief through rook exchange or counterattack? 02: Liquidating into the pawn endgame requires care 03: The defender exchanges pawns 04: How is the attacker to proceed? Part 1 05: How is the attacker to proceed? Part 2 06: Double rooks increase the winning chances 4th Chapter: Activity and the Art of Defence 01: Activity is the essential of double rook endgames 02: Attacks with both rooks should not be underestimated 03: Andersson's attack 04: With structural weaknesses one should not defend passively 05: Shirov's long king march 5th Chapter: Classics and the Art of Pawn Handling 01: The greed of the computer 02: The king blocks the passed pawn 03: The power of a far advanced passed pawn 04: The power of two connected passed pawns 05: Magnus' mighty rooks 06: Aronian's attacking king 07: Anand's passed d-pawn 08: Capablanca's master piece versus Kan 09: Capablanca's classic versus Janowski 10: Smyslov's spirited attack
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