Bergstein Adam - Drupal 10 Masterclass: Build responsive Drupal applications to deliver custom and extensible digital experiences to users / Мастер-класс по Drupal 10 [2023, PDF, ENG]

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Drupal 10 Masterclass: Build responsive Drupal applications to deliver custom and extensible digital experiences to users / Мастер-класс по Drupal 10: Создание адаптивных приложений Drupal для предоставления пользовательского и расширяемого цифрового опыта пользователям
Год издания: 2023
Автор: Bergstein Adam / Бернштейн Адам
Издательство: Packt Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-83763-310-4
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: Издательский макет или текст (eBook)
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Количество страниц: 310
Описание: Get started with Drupal 10 using this comprehensive guide for beginners and learn key concepts such as building, installing, maintaining, managing content, and advanced topics through real-world examples and use cases
Key Features
Explore Drupal 10 concepts in depth and discover how you can engage with the Drupal open-source community
Build Drupal applications with powerful features such as structured content, media, views, and displays
Learn how to create modules and themes with metadata, hooks, and Drupal’s customization plugins
Book Description
Learning Drupal can be challenging because of its robust, extensible, and powerful capability for digital experiences, making it difficult for beginners to grasp and use it for application development. If you’re looking to break into Drupal with hands-on knowledge, this Drupal 10 Masterclass is for you.
With this book, you’ll gain a thorough knowledge of Drupal by understanding its core concepts, including its technical architecture, frontend, backend, framework, and latest features. Equipped with foundational knowledge, you’ll bootstrap and install your first project with expert guidance on maintaining Drupal applications. Progressively, you’ll build applications using Drupal’s core features such as content structures, multilingual support, users, roles, Views, search, and digital assets. You’ll discover techniques for developing modules and themes and harness Drupal’s robust content management through layout builder, blocks, and content workflows. The book familiarizes you with prominent tools such as Git, Drush, and Composer for code deployments and DevOps practices for Drupal application management. You’ll also explore advanced use cases for content migration and multisite implementation, extending your application’s capabilities.
By the end of this book, you’ll not only have learned how to build a successful Drupal application but may also find yourself contributing to the Drupal community.
What you will learn
Understand Drupal’s architecture and infrastructure dependencies
Bootstrap, install, and configure your first Drupal project
Maintain Drupal through updates, automation, and DevOps practices
Harness Drupal features like multilingual, search, Views, and content moderation
Understand content management and how to effectively put it into action
Explore advanced topics such as Git, Drush, DevOps, and Composer
Leverage Drupal’s framework for modules and themes
Discover advanced use cases for migration and multisite management
Who this book is for
If you are a CMS professional new to Drupal and want to learn all aspects of building and maintaining Drupal websites, this book is for you. While hands-on experience with Drupal is not assumed, having foundational knowledge of CMS development will help you get the most out of this book.
Начните работу с Drupal 10, используя это всеобъемлющее руководство для начинающих, и изучите ключевые концепции, такие как создание, установка, сопровождение, управление контентом, а также продвинутые темы на реальных примерах и примерах использования
Ключевые функции
Подробно изучите концепции Drupal 10 и узнайте, как вы можете взаимодействовать с сообществом разработчиков Drupal с открытым исходным кодом
Создавайте приложения Drupal с такими мощными функциями, как структурированный контент, мультимедиа, представления и дисплеи
Узнайте, как создавать модули и темы с использованием метаданных, перехватчиков и плагинов настройки Drupal
Описание книги
Изучение Drupal может быть сложной задачей из-за его надежных, расширяемых и мощных возможностей для работы с цифровыми технологиями, что затрудняет новичкам понимание и использование его для разработки приложений. Если вы хотите освоить Drupal с практическими знаниями, этот мастер-класс по Drupal 10 для вас.
С помощью этой книги вы получите глубокие знания о Drupal, поняв его основные концепции, включая техническую архитектуру, интерфейс, серверную часть, фреймворк и новейшие функции. Обладая базовыми знаниями, вы загрузите и установите свой первый проект под руководством эксперта по сопровождению приложений Drupal. Постепенно вы будете создавать приложения, используя основные функции Drupal, такие как структура контента, многоязычная поддержка, пользователи, роли, представления, поиск и цифровые ресурсы. Вы познакомитесь с методами разработки модулей и тем и воспользуетесь надежным управлением контентом Drupal с помощью конструктора макетов, блоков и рабочих процессов с контентом. Книга знакомит вас с известными инструментами, такими как Git, Drush и Composer для развертывания кода, и практиками DevOps для управления приложениями Drupal. Вы также изучите расширенные варианты использования для миграции контента и многосайтовой реализации, расширяющие возможности вашего приложения.
К концу этой книги вы не только узнаете, как создать успешное приложение Drupal, но и, возможно, сможете внести свой вклад в сообщество Drupal.
Что вы узнаете
Разберетесь в архитектуре Drupal и зависимостях инфраструктуры
Загрузите, установите и настройте свой первый проект Drupal
Поддерживать Drupal с помощью обновлений, автоматизации и методов DevOps
Использовать такие функции Drupal, как многоязычность, поиск, просмотры и модерация контента
Разбиратся в управлении контентом и в том, как эффективно внедрять его в действие
Изучите продвинутые темы, такие как Git, Drush, DevOps и Composer
Использовать платформу Drupal для создания модулей и тем
Откроете для себя расширенные варианты использования для миграции и управления несколькими сайтами
Для кого предназначена эта книга
Если вы специалист по CMS, новичок в Drupal и хотите изучить все аспекты создания и сопровождения веб-сайтов на Drupal, эта книга для вас. Хотя практический опыт работы с Drupal не предполагается, базовые знания в области разработки CMS помогут вам извлечь максимальную пользу из этой книги.

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Preface xvii
Part 1: Foundational Concepts
What is Drupal? 3
What is a CMS? 3
Frameworks and extensibility 4
Basic Drupal concepts 5
Drupal’s administrative backend 5
Drupal’s frontend presentation layer 7
Popular Drupal case studies 8
Summary 8
Drupal Core, Modules, and Themes 9
Drupal core 9
What is core? 10
Core features 10
Core systems 11
Core development 12
Overview of Drupal projects 12
Drupal modules 13
What is a module? 13
Popular community modules 13
Drupal themes 14
What is a theme? 14
Core themes 14
Contribution 14
Summary 15
Infrastructure and Overview of Technical Architecture 17
Hosting Drupal and platform
requirements 17
Drupal architecture 18
Infrastructure technical stack 19
Application architecture 19
Backend architecture 21
Frontend architecture 22
Drupal management and
operations 24
Maintenance 24
Operations 25
Summary 27
Drupal Community 29
Understanding the open-source
community 29 basics 29
Core on 31
Core contribution 32
Projects on 32
Contribution impact 37
Other community resources
and tools 37
Summary 38
What’s New in Drupal 10 39
Release methodology 39
Platform requirements 40
Upgrade considerations 40
Major releases 40
New to Drupal 10 40
Symfony 6.2 40
CKEditor 5 41
Olivero 41
Claro 42
Starter kit themes 43
Built in Drupal 10 44
Automatic updates 44
Recipes 44
Decoupled menus 45
Project browser 45
Summary 45
Part 2: Setting up - Installing and Maintaining
Bootstrapping, Installing, and Configuring a New Drupal Project 49
Establishing a new codebase 50
What is Composer? 50
Composer projects 51
Common commands 52
Installing Drupal 54
Installation preparation 54
UI-based installation 54
Performing an installation with Drush 58
Post-installation 58
Out-of-the-box Drupal Building 59
Developer Classification 59
Site Building Concept 59
Requirements Gathering 59
Beyond core features 60
Basic configuration 60
Post-installation configuration 61
Common configuration changes 61
Help, logs, and reporting 62
Help 62
Logs and Reporting 63
Summary 65
Maintaining Drupal 67
Types of maintenance 67
Code-related maintenance 68
Infrastructure platform maintenance 69
Code maintenance process 69
Reviewing code management and
deployment concepts 69
Typical code maintenance process 70
Best practices 73
Backups 73
Environment differences 73
Managed platforms 74
SaaS services 74
Update frequency 75
Product life cycles 75
System monitoring and tools 75
Edge systems 75
Summary 76
Part 3: Building - Features and Configuration
Content Structures and Multilingual 79
Importance of structured content 79
Relational database best practices 80
Structured content in Drupal 81
Entities, types, and bundles 81
Fields and field types 81
Base entities 82
Content entities 82
Entity example for Node 82
Example models 83
Configuration entities 83
Under the hood 83
Site building 84
Applying to other features 90
Multilingual features 91
Modules 91
Summary 94
Users, Roles, and Permissions 95
Users 95
User entity 95
Features 96
User management 97
Roles 100
Role entity 100
Default roles 100
Configuring roles 101
Permissions 101
Access control 102
Types of permissions 102
Managing permissions 102
Permission definition 103
Summary 104
Drupal Views and Display Modes 105
Defining Views 105
Overview 106
Views features 106
Customizing Views 108
Defining display modes 109
Overview 109
Popular use cases 110
Using Views and display modes 110
Creating a teaser display mode
for blogs 111
Creating a View for a blog listing –
option 1 with teaser display mode 113
Creating a View for a blog listing –
option 2 with fields 115
Explaining the Views editing interface 118
Creating an RSS feed display 120
Summary 121
Files, Images, and Media 123
Assets in Drupal 123
Use cases 124
Files 124
Subsystem 125
Modules and configuration 125
Images 129
Modules and configuration 129
Media 133
Modules and configuration 133
Use cases 138
Creating research papers 138
Icons for sports 138
Tutorials found in YouTube videos 139
Summary 139
Search 141
About the feature 141
Implementation 141
Frontend experience 142
Backend 144
Configuring search 145
Search pages 147
Extending Search 149
Facets 149
Third-party indexes 149
Autocomplete 149
Use cases 150
Querying for two different movie titles
simultaneously 150
Filter by sport 150
Restricting a specific content type
from search 150
Summary 150
Contact Forms 151
Contact forms in Drupal 151
Basic information 151
Form management 152
Form submissions 154
Configuring contact forms 154
User profile configuration 155
Permissions 155
Extending contact forms 155
Viewing and managing form submissions 155
Beyond just a page 156
More robust email notifications 156
Spam prevention 156
More advanced forms 156
Summary 157
Part 4: Using - Content Management
Basic Content Authoring Experience 161
Authoring content 161
Nodes 162
Menus and taxonomies 170
Authoring digital assets 172
Summary 174
Visual Content Management 175
Blocks and custom block types 175
Managing blocks 175
Custom block types 177
Layout Builder 178
Configuring a default layout 179
Node-specific layouts 182
Setting up Layout Builder 183
Contributed projects 183
Paragraphs 184
Gutenberg 184
Summary 187
Content Workflows 189
Configuring workflows 189
Managing states 189
Managing transitions 190
Managing workflows 190
Managing permissions 192
Using workflows 193
Use case 195
Summary 195
Part 5: Advanced Topics
Git, Drush, Composer, and DevOps 199
Technical requirements 199
Git basics 200
Setup 200
Common commands 201
Drush basics 202
Setup 202
Common commands 203
Composer basics 204
Setup 204
Common commands 205
DevOps practices 205
A developer pushes a new commit to a
development branch 206
Developer reviews and merges code
into the main branch 206
Tag-based deployments for release
candidates 207
Addressing production deployments 207
Summary 208
Module Development 209
Concepts 209
Early Drupal concepts 210
Modern Drupal concepts 210
Common patterns 211
PHP patterns 211
Symfony capabilities 212
Drupal patterns 213
Module definitions 214
Configuration 214
PHP code 215
Templates 217
Summary 217
Theme Development 219
Technical requirements 219
Setting up for theme
development 220
Disabling CSS and JS aggregation 220
Setting up theme debugging and
disabling caches 220
Turning on verbose error messages 223
Creating a new theme using the theme
generator tool 223
Creating a new theme from scratch 223
Creating your 224
Creating your dexter.libraries.yml file 225
Creating your CSS directory and files 225
Creating your templates directory 225
Creating your JS directory 225
Creating a new theme from a base
theme (subtheming) 226
Popular base themes 226
Working with Libraries API (and
where to put CSS/JS) 226
Loading the library globally through your
theme’s *.info.yml file 226
Attaching the library through a
Twig template 226
Loading the library programmatically
through preprocess 227
Overriding another module’s or theme’s
libraries 227
Managing dependencies 227
Notes on CSS grouping 228
Setting weights and other options 228
Working with templates 228
How to find and create templates 228
Twig basics 229
Twig filters 232
Twig functions 232
Working with the attributes object 234
Preprocessing data and PHP 234
Working with CSS 235
Working with JS 236
Drupal behaviors 236
Passing data from PHP into JS 237
Single Directory Components 237
Drupal accessibility tips 238
The visually hidden CSS class 238
Drupal announce JS API 238
Using buttons as menu items 238
Contributed modules that help
with theming 238
Summary 239
Delivering Drupal Content through APIs 241
Web services primer 241
Web service APIs in Drupal 242
Concepts 242
Modules and configuration 243
Using web services 247
Basic JSON:API examples 248
Basic REST API examples 250
REST clients 251
Summary 251
Migrating Content into Drupal 253
Migration concepts 253
The Migrate system 254
Extract 255
Transform 256
Load 256
Custom events 256
Operating migrations 256
Contributed modules 257
Use cases 257
Summary 260
Multisite Management 261
The multisite feature 261
Benefits 262
Drawbacks 262
Automating deployments across
many sites 263
Summary 263
Appendix A - Drupal Terminology 265
Index 269
Other Books You May Enjoy 280
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Bergstein Adam - Drupal 10 Masterclass: Build responsive Drupal applications to deliver custom and extensible digital experiences to users / Мастер-класс по Drupal 10 [2023, PDF, ENG] download torrent for free and without registration
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