Что нового
Release notes
3.2.1 Yakitori - (Released: March 08, 2022)
- [Export] Export dpi metadata in image files
- [Physical Size] Keep the ratio with non square textures when editing physical dimensions
- [Physical Size] Physical size metadata is applied immediatly when physical size changes
- [UI] Adjust Height scale max slider so it can influence any kind of material when Physical Size is enabled
- [UI] New tooltips on search filters in the Asset panel
- [UI] Use tooltips to explain when buttons are disabled in the Assets panel
- [Content] Brightness contrast filter update
- [2D View] 90 degrees rotation button in the Crop and Transform tools don't work as expected
- [2D View] Crop widget sometimes goes missing
- [Application] Clearing an image parameter does not reconnect the underlying layer
- [Application] Crash at exit after saving a project
- [Application] Crash when drag and dropping the current material into a collection of the Assets Panel
- [Application] Drag and dropping an asset in the viewport may crash
- [Content] Normal blend has a random seed tweak
- [Content] Snow filter has incorrect normal output depending on fresh and melted snow parameter values
- [Content] Parquet filter: fixed unexpected seams
- [Content] Embroidery filter: remove thread in metallic map
- [Content] Floor tiles filter: fix x and y tiles count
- [Content] Brick wall filter: output normal and height to 16 bit
- [Export] Default file name in export popup is not the current material name
- [Export] Exporting with physical ratio with an export preset gives incorrect dimensions
- [Export] Metallic is missing in the CLO export preset
- [Export] When replacing an export custom preset, the display name is not updated
- [Layers] Custom channels of the first inserted layer are not discovered
- [Layers] Material is re-evaluated when changing tweaks of a hidden layer
- [Localization] Tooltips are not localized in Export panel
- [Physical Size] Disabling Physical Size of an asset does not remove the physical scale
- [Physical Size] Height Scale value can't be set outside of slider bounds the first time
- [Physical Size] Importing an image with no physical size prevents opening the project
- [Physical Size] Physical Size is erroneously set to zero when missing
- [Physical Size] Physical Size physical scale check box status is not updated when first displayed
- [UI] Base Material & Normal to Height do not have a category
- [UI] Cursor is sometimes invisible when painting an image
- [UI] Disable "Copy All" and "Cut All" options in the edit menu of a text field if it is empty
- [UI] Filter names have incorrect characters
- [UI] Physical Size lock button does not have the correct style
- [UI] The close button in search bar in Asset Panel does not clear the search string
Known Issues:
- [Color Picker] Picking a color on a second monitor with a different resolution may not work