Skyrim Immersive Adventure Project (SIAP) Название игры: The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim Год выпуска: 2017 Автор/Разработчик: Modder4Life Тип раздачи: Mods Версия программы: 1.0 Требуемая версия игры: 1.9.32 Язык интерфейса: английский Требуемый язык игры: английский Описание: The download link (magnet URL) is near the bottom of the page. You will need a torrent downloader like uTorrent to download this. I will seed as much as possible. If you see 0 seeds, please try again in 30 days or contact me at [email protected]. видеоролик трейлера / trailer video: (For English description, skip to below) RUSSIAN: Проект Skyrim Immersive Adventure представляет собой большую коллекцию из более чем 200 моделей Skyrim, собранных вместе в один установочный пакет. Многие из модов были тщательно настроены, чтобы сосуществовать друг с другом, модифицироваться для погружения и фиксироваться там, где это необходимо. Бесчисленные часы были потрачены на слияние модов (более 200), добавление / сокращение контента и тщательное внимание к деталям. Цель состоит в том, чтобы обеспечить более захватывающий опыт Skyrim, не нарушая знания, которые Bethesda приносит в игру. ВЫ МОЖЕТЕ РАСПРОСТРАНЯТЬ ПРОЕКТ SKYRIM IMMERSIVE ADVENTURE FREELY * БЕЗ ЗАРЯДКИ *. ЭТО МОЖЕТ ИЗМЕНИТЬСЯ И ОБРАЩАЕТСЯ, КАК ВЫ ЖЕЛАЕТЕ (ВЫ ИСПОЛЬЗУЕТЕ СДЕЛАТЬ ИЗМЕНЕНИЯ И УЛУЧШЕНИЯ). Особенности: - Новые земли, таинственные места, скрытые предметы и новые квесты. - Графические сетки с высоким разрешением и текстуры с множеством исправлений. - Обновлен музыкальный партитур, с множеством новых треков. Звуковые эффекты были переработаны. - Обновлен интерфейс и компас. Нет больше красных точек, показывающих ваших врагов. Нет более экстрасенсорной способности выявлять трудности с захватом замка. - Больше продуктов питания и съемок, с рецептами, которые всегда показываются независимо от того, какие материалы у вас есть в вашем инвентаре. - Пьяные / наркотические / Skooma эффекты. - Более реалистичная функциональность для переноски предметов, с дополнительным переносным оборудованием. Больше не нужно носить всю сумму подземелья; использование инвентаря должно быть стратегическим. - Костры, палатки, постельные принадлежности и зимние принадлежности, чтобы оставаться теплыми и отдохнувшими. - Ливерпульские таверны и новые развлекательные заведения: стадион Skyball, казино, арена и театр. - Доска объявлений - там, где всегда что-то новое, чтобы делать! - Более реалистичная дикая природа, птицы и водные существа с улучшенной системой рыболовства и охоты. - Города были пересмотрены и расширены в удобной для понимания форме. - Система основных потребностей: голод, жажда и усталость. - прогрессирование заболевания, более опасные ловушки и более смертельные яды. - Драконы более жестокие, а боссы труднее победить. - Освещение пересматривается, делая акцент на использовании факелов и фонарей. - Одежда и доспехи имеют больше цели, чем просто добавление брони. - Броня и оружие имеют разную степень прочности и могут сломаться. - Более захватывающая среда, улучшенные пейзажи и пересмотренная погода. - Больше NPC, больше последователей и дружелюбных существ. - Последователи более разговорчивы и могут ездить на собственных лошадях. - Обновлен боевой ИИ. - Больше книг - много историй. - Множество других тонких функций погружения (цены на гостиницы, вес предметов, следы, анимации, эффекты, скрытность и т. Д.). - Множество сюрпризов. Никогда не играйте в одну и ту же игру дважды! - Неофициальные исправления для игры в ваниль. Требования: Skyrim (оригинал - не специальный выпуск) для Windows / ПК, обновленный до версии 1.9.32. Skyrim DLC: Dawnguard, Hearthfire и Dragonborn. Официальные пакеты текстур высокого разрешения Skyrim (бесплатный DLC). Microsoft Windows 7/8 (может работать и на 10, непроверенная). Процессор Intel Core i7 или аналогичный, предпочтительно работающий на 4 ГГц. или быстрее. nVidia GTX 980 или аналогичная, с 4 ГБ. Память. 1080p HD-дисплей (разрешение 1920x1080). 16 ГИГАБАЙТ. предпочтительной памяти. SSD (твердотельный накопитель) предпочтительнее для лучшей производительности. Дополнительно: контроллер геймпада Microsoft Xbox 360. Требования Skyrim: Заголовки диалогового окна игры должны быть включены. Для достижения максимальной производительности графические настройки Skyrim должны быть настроены так, чтобы не использовать анистропическую фильтрацию (вместо этого нужно использовать ENB). Proyekt Skyrim Immersive Adventure predstavlyayet soboy bol'shuyu kollektsiyu iz boleye chem 200 modeley Skyrim, sobrannykh vmeste v odin ustanovochnyy paket. Mnogiye iz modov byli tshchatel'no nastroyeny, chtoby sosushchestvovat' drug s drugom, modifitsirovat'sya dlya pogruzheniya i fiksirovat'sya tam, gde eto neobkhodimo. Beschislennyye chasy byli potracheny na sliyaniye modov (boleye 200), dobavleniye / sokrashcheniye kontenta i tshchatel'noye vnimaniye k detalyam. Tsel' sostoit v tom, chtoby obespechit' boleye zakhvatyvayushchiy opyt Skyrim, ne narushaya znaniya, kotoryye Bethesda prinosit v igru. VY MOZHETE RASPROSTRANYAT' PROYEKT SKYRIM IMMERSIVE ADVENTURE FREELY * BEZ ZARYADKI *. ETO MOZHET IZMENIT'SYA I OBRASHCHAYETSYA, KAK VY ZHELAYETE (VY ISPOL'ZUYETE SDELAT' IZMENENIYA I ULUCHSHENIYA). Osobennosti: - Novyye zemli, tainstvennyye mesta, skrytyye predmety i novyye kvesty. - Graficheskiye setki s vysokim razresheniyem i tekstury s mnozhestvom ispravleniy. - Obnovlen muzykal'nyy partitur, s mnozhestvom novykh trekov. Zvukovyye effekty byli pererabotany. - Obnovlen interfeys i kompas. Net bol'she krasnykh tochek, pokazyvayushchikh vashikh vragov. Net boleye ekstrasensornoy sposobnosti vyyavlyat' trudnosti s zakhvatom zamka. - Bol'she produktov pitaniya i s"yemok, s retseptami, kotoryye vsegda pokazyvayutsya nezavisimo ot togo, kakiye materialy u vas yest' v vashem inventare. - P'yanyye / narkoticheskiye / Skooma effekty. - Boleye realistichnaya funktsional'nost' dlya perenoski predmetov, s dopolnitel'nym perenosnym oborudovaniyem. Bol'she ne nuzhno nosit' vsyu summu podzemel'ya; ispol'zovaniye inventarya dolzhno byt' strategicheskim. - Kostry, palatki, postel'nyye prinadlezhnosti i zimniye prinadlezhnosti, chtoby ostavat'sya teplymi i otdokhnuvshimi. - Liverpul'skiye taverny i novyye razvlekatel'nyye zavedeniya: stadion Skyball, kazino, arena i teatr. - Doska ob"yavleniy - tam, gde vsegda chto-to novoye, chtoby delat'! - Boleye realistichnaya dikaya priroda, ptitsy i vodnyye sushchestva s uluchshennoy sistemoy rybolovstva i okhoty. - Goroda byli peresmotreny i rasshireny v udobnoy dlya ponimaniya forme. - Sistema osnovnykh potrebnostey: golod, zhazhda i ustalost'. - progressirovaniye zabolevaniya, boleye opasnyye lovushki i boleye smertel'nyye yady. - Drakony boleye zhestokiye, a bossy trudneye pobedit'. - Osveshcheniye peresmatrivayetsya, delaya aktsent na ispol'zovanii fakelov i fonarey. - Odezhda i dospekhi imeyut bol'she tseli, chem prosto dobavleniye broni. - Bronya i oruzhiye imeyut raznuyu stepen' prochnosti i mogut slomat'sya. - Boleye zakhvatyvayushchaya sreda, uluchshennyye peyzazhi i peresmotrennaya pogoda. - Bol'she NPC, bol'she posledovateley i druzhelyubnykh sushchestv. - Posledovateli boleye razgovorchivy i mogut yezdit' na sobstvennykh loshadyakh. - Obnovlen boyevoy II. - Bol'she knig - mnogo istoriy. - Mnozhestvo drugikh tonkikh funktsiy pogruzheniya (tseny na gostinitsy, ves predmetov, sledy, animatsii, effekty, skrytnost' i t. D.). - Mnozhestvo syurprizov. Nikogda ne igrayte v odnu i tu zhe igru dvazhdy! - Neofitsial'nyye ispravleniya dlya igry v vanil'. Trebovaniya: Skyrim (original - ne spetsial'nyy vypusk) dlya Windows / PK, obnovlennyy do versii 1.9.32. Skyrim DLC: Dawnguard, Hearthfire i Dragonborn. Ofitsial'nyye pakety tekstur vysokogo razresheniya Skyrim (besplatnyy DLC). Microsoft Windows 7/8 (mozhet rabotat' i na 10, neproverennaya). Protsessor Intel Core i7 ili analogichnyy, predpochtitel'no rabotayushchiy na 4 GGts. ili bystreye. nVidia GTX 980 ili analogichnaya, s 4 GB. Pamyat'. 1080p HD-displey (razresheniye 1920x1080). 16 GIGABAYT. predpochtitel'noy pamyati. SSD (tverdotel'nyy nakopitel') predpochtitel'neye dlya luchshey proizvoditel'nosti. Dopolnitel'no: kontroller geympada Microsoft Xbox 360. Trebovaniya Skyrim: Zagolovki dialogovogo okna igry dolzhny byt' vklyucheny. Dlya dostizheniya maksimal'noy proizvoditel'nosti graficheskiye nastroyki Skyrim dolzhny byt' nastroyeny tak, chtoby ne ispol'zovat' anistropicheskuyu fil'tratsiyu (vmesto etogo nuzhno ispol'zovat' ENB). ENGLISH: The Skyrim Immersive Adventure Project is a large collection of over 200 Skyrim mods, assembled together into a single installable package. Many of the mods have been tweaked to coexist with one another, modified for immersion, and fixed where necessary. Countless hours have been spent merging mods (well over 200), adding/cutting content, and paying meticulous attention to detail. The goal is to provide a more immersive Skyrim experience without breaking the lore Bethesda brings to the game. YOU MAY DISTRIBUTE SKYRIM IMMERSIVE ADVENTURE PROJECT FREELY *WITHOUT CHARGE*. IT MAY BE MODIFIED AND SHARED AS YOU WISH (YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO MAKE CHANGES AND IMPROVEMENTS). Features: - New lands, mysterious places, hidden items, and new quests. - Higher-resolution graphics meshes and textures, with many fixes applied. - Updated musical score, with plenty of new tracks to enjoy. Audio effects have been overhauled. - Updated UI and compass. No more red dots showing your enemies. No more psychic ability to detemine lock picking difficulty. - More food and craftable items, with recipes for both always shown regardless of what materials you have in your inventory. - Drunk/drugged/Skooma effects. - More realistic item carrying functionality, with additional carrying gear available. No more carrying an entire dungeon worth of loot; inventory use must be strategic. - Campfires, tents, bedrolls, and winter gear, for staying warm and rested. - Livelier taverns and new entertainment venues: Skyball stadium, casino, arena, and theater. - Notice boards - where there's always something new posted to do! - More realistic wildlife, birds, and aquatic creatures, with an improved fishing and hunting system. - Cities have been revised and expanded in a lore-friendly manner. - A basic needs system: hunger, thirst, and fatigue. - Disease progression, more dangerous traps, and more lethal poisons. - Dragons are more ferocious, and bosses are more difficult to defeat. - Lighting is revised, placing an emphasis on the use of torches and lanterns. - Clothing and armor have more purpose than simply adding to armor points. - Armor and weapons have varying degrees of durability, and can break. - More immersive environment, enhanced scenery, and revised weather. - More NPCs, more followers, and lore-friendly creatures. - Followers are more talkative and can ride their own horses. - Updated combat AI. - More books - plenty of stories to enjoy. - Plenty of other subtle immersion features (inn pricing, item weights, footprints, animations, effects, stealth, etc.). - Plenty of surprises. Never play the same game twice! - Unofficial fixes for the vanilla game. Requirements: Skyrim (original - not Special Edition) for Windows/PC, updated to version 1.9.32. Skyrim DLC: Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn. Skyrim official high resolution texture packs (free DLC). Microsoft Windows 7 / 8 (might work on 10 as well; untested). Intel Core i7 CPU or similiar, preferably running at 4 Ghz. or faster. nVidia GTX 980 video card or similiar, with 4 GB. memory. 1080p HD display (1920x1080 resolution). 16 GB. of memory preferred. SSD (solid state drive) preferred for best performance. Optional: Microsoft Xbox 360 gamepad controller. Skyrim requirements: Game dialog captions must be enabled. For best performance, Skyrim graphics settings should be set to not use anistropic filtering (to be handled by ENB instead). Способ установки: Run Setup.exe Список изменений / названий карт: - Unofficial Skyrim Patch - Unofficial Dawnguard Patch - Unofficial Hearthfire Patch - Unofficial Dragonborn Patch - The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal - Falskaar - Beyond Skyrim - Bruma - Wyrmstooth - Summerset Isle - The Wheels Of Lull - SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators - Lanterns of Skyrim - All In One - The Notice Board - Moonpath to Elsweyr - Molag Bal's Inferno - Depths of Cavern - General Stores - Unofficial High Resolution Patch - Lydia Ranger Follower - Shelter Cabins and Hideouts - Hideout - Follower Commentary Overhaul - FCO - Perseids Inns and Taverns - Realistic Room Rental Enhanced - College Of Winterhold Glory days - Oblivious Horses - Northern Bathhouses - Immersive Fallen Trees Mod - Comprehensive Whiterun Bug Fix - Raven Rock Expanded - City of Pinemist - Solitude Reborn - Dwemer Colosseum - Realistic Boat Bobbing - Ebonvale Settlement - OBIS - Organized Bandits In Skyrim - Immersive hold borders - Birds of Skyrim - Dangerous SlaughterFish Races HD - Aquatic Life Overhaul - SkyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds - Wet and Cold - Bandolier - Bags and Pouches - Better Dynamic Snow - The Shrines of Auriel - Training Dummies and Targets - Unique Places - Point The Way - Audio Overhaul for Skyrim - IHSS - Improved Horse Step Sounds - SkyUI - Mapseller - Revamped Ghosts - Syynxs Stubborn Skeletons - Open Face Guard Helmets - Sleeved Guards and Stormcloaks - Chaurus Lights - Realistic Items' Weights And Values - Dynamic Fires - Enhanced Blood Textures - NPC Knockout Overhaul - Ultimate Combat - Wild Werewolves - Deadly Dragons - Ultimate Dragons - Exhaustion - Dragon Stalking Fix - Traps Make Noise - More Dangerous Traps - Killing Traps - When Vampires Attack - No Psychic Lock Knowledge - Address Unknown - People are Strangers - More Thugs for Petty Thieves... - Stranger Danger - Craftable Horse Barding - Subtle Immersion Collection - Loot and Degradation - Scary Traps - Hypothermia - Cobb Encumbrance - Pure Weather - Shooting Stars - Rainbows - Lightning during Thunder Storms - True Storms - Thunder and Rain Redone - Splash of Rain - Footprints - Windy Skyrim - Alchemist's Journal - Simply Knock - Simple Taxes - Buy and Sell Torches - Respect the Jarls - Sleep Tight - Lightweight Headtracking and Emotions - vwr Wet Eyes - Simple Spell Scaling - Better Stealth AI for Followers - No Torch while Sneaking - Black Horse Courier Reborn - Sokco's Guild Starter - Universal Mounts Inventory - Useful Nettlebane - Smooth Blade Draw and Sheathe - Crime Bounty Decay - AutoSave Manager - Enhanced ENB Night Eye - Warmaiden's Overhaul - Skyforge Plus - Inconsequential NPCs - More Village Animals - Immersive Settlements - Plant Trees - Expanded Villages - Bells of Skyrim - Run For Your Lives - Interesting NPCs - Beggar's Brawl Arena - Underwater Treasure - Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM - Northern Cardinal - Realistic Needs and Diseases - Horses Gone Wild - Historic Markarth - Ratway Skooma Den - Randomly-Generated Generic Townsfolk - Immersive Patrols - Prostitutes of Skyrim - The Forgotten City - TTYM - Think To Yourself Messages - Skooma Dealers Of Skyrim - Eli's Coffee Mod - The Drunken Huntsman - Grand Re-Reopening - Books Books Books - College Students - Populated Skyrim Prisons Cells - Cliff Racers on Solstheim - Thieves Guild Treasure - Harvest Overhaul Creatures - Hearthfire Fortified Heljarchen Hall - More Critters - A Place to Sleep - Skyrim Indie Music Scene_Lokirs Ashes - LIAT - Lively Inns And Taverns - Snowy Windhelm - Salt Mining - Forsworn Children - Bandit Children - Jesters - Skyrim Creatures Book - Lanterns of Skyrim - Sleeping Innkeepers - Dice Game in Taverns - Slot Machine - Baby Mommas - Giantess - Monster Mod Plugin for More Female Giants - NPCs And Horses - Shortcuts - Secret Entrances For All Cities Plus Thieves Guild - Lantern Caretakers - Collect Water from Wells - Hunterborn - The Drunken Dragon - Random Dungeon Generator - Fushigina Dungeon - Fishing In Skyrim - Hold Border Banners - Dragons Don't Wait - Windhelm Lighthouse - Hot Volcanic Water - Whiterun Rejects - Imperial Mail - Post and Banking Service - CP Apple Trees - Gildergreen Regrown - Phitt's Fishtank - Campsite - Fires Hurt - Craftable and Placeable Havok-enabled Bedrolls - Better Riften with Sentinels - Wild Penguins - Sea of Spirits - FishInTheFountain - Wearable Lanterns - Bag of Trash - Playable Instruments - Play and Bash - Sands of Time Sleeping Encounters - EK_LimitedItems - Container and Arrow Weight Restrictions - Animations - Travelling DnD Parties - Companion Valfar - Freedom of Movement - Burn Freeze Shock Effects - Public Executions - Casino Skyrim - Sky Ball Tournament - SkyFalls and SkyMills - Animated Distant Waterfalls and WindMills - Realistic Water Two - Watercolor for ENB and Realistic Water Two - Enhanced Lights and FX (ELFX) - Enhanced Wetness and Puddles - Morning Fogs - Ambiance - NPC Reactions - Mounted Followers - Helmet Overlays - Additional Music Project - RIS - Real Ice and Snow - 1st Person Candlelight Fix - aMidianBorn Farmhouse and Roads Stonewall - aMidianBorn Book of Silence - Animated Clutter - Barter Fix (SKSE Plugin) - Bellyaches HD Dragon Replacer Pack - Blue Palace Nights - Crystal Refracting Soul Gems - Detailed Rugs - Detailing the Eldrich - Higher-Res Riekling Architecture - DOOR - Dot Crosshair and Thinner Compass - DRAUGR - Dust Effects - Dwemer Metal Retexture - Elder Statue - Level Asset - Enhanced Noble Furniture - (numerous texture replacements by Renthal311) - Font Replacement - Forgotten Retex Project - Frankly HD Miraak - Giant Lichen Retexture - Glorious Grasses - High Definition Ivy - HD Model Ship - High Quality Eyes - Holy Wards - A Retexture - HD Horker - IPM - Insane Alchemy - Potions Poisons and Others High Polygons Bottles - Justin's Riften Retexture - The Glorious Leek Mod - Malo Statues - ENBSeries for TES Skyrim (graphic mod and patch) - PureVision ENB - Multiple Floors Sandboxing - Nicer Snowflakes - Quieter or Louder Nirnroot Ringing - Nirnroot Smaller Glow Radius - Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack - No More Blocky Faces - Not a Sneak Thief - Nude Females - Realistic Conversations - Realistic Smoke and Embers - Realistic Teeth - ENBHelper v2 - Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) - Roadsigns Redone - Vivid Landscapes - Rocking Stones and Mountains Parallax - Rockinghorses - Ruins Clutter Improved - RUSTIC CLOTHING - RUSTIC ELDERSCROLL - Sensible Hardcore Compass - Shorter Grass - Skyrim Better Hunting - New Sneak Idle Animation - SPRAY - STARS - Dwemer Steam Horse - Stroti's Printing Press Resource - Superior Lore-Friendly Hair - HD textures - TROLL - True Elk Of SKYRIM - TEOS - Werewolf Claws Affect Spider Webs - Vivid Clouds and Fogs - Vanilla and Climates of Tamriel - Vivid Landscapes - Castle Volkihar - Vivid Landscapes - Cliffs and Creeks - Vivid Landscapes - Tundra Region - Vivid Landscapes - Volcanic Area - Vivid Landscapes - Woods - Waves - Vivid Landscapes - Tundra Moss Revised - 1K Quality Snow HD - 4k and 2k HD Juniper - Alchemy and Enchanting Tables Retex - Archmage of Winterhold HD Retexture - Authentic Windhelm - Azuras Star Black and normal 2048 HQ Texture - Badass Alduin - Bards Play Less - Bloody Dragon Bones - Blowing in the Wind - Silly Level of Detail - Potions and Poisons -- SLOD PnP - Coverkhajiits - D13 Faster GET UP STAND UP Animation Vanilla Friendly - Horse Trotting Instead of Walking - Dawnguard Fortress Improved High Resolution 2k - Deathbell HD - All-New Textures (2K-1K) - Dramatic Helgen - EcthelionOtW Real Golden Septims - Edwarrs Spell Tome Books - Falmer Ear and Hagraven Claw - Ghosts Can't Drop Items You Silly Goose - Glaciers Retextured - Gray Cowl of Nocturnal Alikr Flora Overhaul - Spider Egg Retexture - HD Bar Retexture - Heimsk - Faith Withers - Helmet Ovelays - Improved 1st Person Experience - High Res Wood and Stonework - Accingite Vos - Shields HQ Retextures - High Quality Workbench - Improved NPC Clothing - High Res - Joy of Ships - Less Orange Textures - Level Up Text - Lip Sync Delay Fix - Main Menu Wallpaper Replacer HD 1080p - More Dramatic Alduin Retexture - Morrowindic Sneak Attack and Critical Hit Sound - Natural intricate Spider Webs 2x - No More Stupid Dog Comments - Slower NPC Mage Backward Sprint - Northern Realistic Clouds - Proper Predators And Pelts - Taproot 1K - Realistic Aspen Trees - Realistic Ragdolls and Force - Realistic HD Mushrooms - Slimmer Horse Shape - Realistic Humanoid Movement Speed - Realistic Wolf Howls - Removes Footsteps Sound From Rats - Actually Skeevers - Road Snow Footprints 2K - Shield of Ysgramor - Silence of the Divines - SkyFix - Unique Inn Signs HD - SkySight Skins - Ultra HD 4K and 2K - Male Textures and Real Feet Meshes - Silly Level of Detail - Wine Cellar -- SLOD WC - Sneak Animation - Sound Hammering Sounds - Spouse's Freedom - Stealthy Ebony Mail - Moonpath HD Texture Pack - Stop Following Me Farkas - Supreme and Volumetric Fog - The Forgotten City - Brooding Lighting - TreesHD Skyrim Variation - True Textures - Bird Nests - Complete New Textured Shrubs - Unique Grasses and Groundcovers - Nature and Landscape Enhancement - Zaz Resources - Whips Restraints and Bondage - Musical Lore Soundtrack - Alternate Tundra and Rift Grass - Bar Rag - Grubby Version - Better Horse Pain Sounds - Better Stealing - Better-Looking Blue Palace Courtyard - Blood Rush Heartbeat Replacer - Children of the Brotherhood - Custom Music In Your House - Killing Traps - Delarics Conditional Combat Music - Disable Hearthfire Background Music - Dragonborn HD Ultra - Volume One - Apocrypha - Embers HD - Essentials Ragdoll on Knockdown - ETHEREAL CLOUDS - Fix Lip Sync - Gold Is Now Septim - Herbs HD Package - High Res Face Maps for Men - Hircine Carving - Hungry Innkeepers - Hush Doggy - Hybrids HD Plants and Herbs Retexture - Clothes Iron Retexture - Leather Details - Seeker and Lurker - Creature Retex - Mfg Console - No Empty Tag On Empty Containers - No Fishing - Nude Males - PondFish and Salmon Replacer - Texture - Psychosteves Stone of Barenziah - Real Trees and LOD - Realistic AI Detection (Better Sneaking) - Realistic Crime Radius - Realistic Instruments - Flute Lute and Drum HQ - Real Rain - RUSTIC CHILDREN - RUSTIC COOKING STATION - RUSTIC POTTERY - RUSTIC WINDOWS - 2K and 1K Textures - More Expensive Services and Assets - Sit Quietly - No Generic Hellos While Sitting - Solitude HD Textures - Subliminal Traps - Super Realistic Ore Textures - SweetRoll 2k Retexture - Thieves Guild Jewelry Smelter - Ultimate HD Fire Effects - Uninterrupted Ethereal Form - Uninterrupted Invisibility - Whiterun Warmaiden Shadow Fix
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