250+ Killer JavaScript One-Liners: Transform your code into powerful solutions / Более 250 убойных JavaScript однострочников: преобразуйте свой код в мощные решения Год издания: 2024 Автор: Abella Hernando / Абелла Эрнандо Издательство: Aluna Publishing Язык: Английский Формат: PDF, EPUB, MOBI Качество: Издательский макет или текст (eBook) Интерактивное оглавление: Да Количество страниц: 277 Описание: 250+ jаvascript Killer One-Liners is your passport to mastering the intricacies of jаvascript. Inside, discover a collection of powerful, concise code snippets that will transform the way you write and think about jаvascript. - This book is your gateway to Unlocking the true potential of the language. - Join us as we delve into the art of crafting code that not only solves problems but does so elegantly and efficiently. - Get ready to elevate your coding game with every line you write! Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting, this book is your gateway to unlocking the true potential of the language. Join us as we delve into the art of crafting code that not only solves problems but does so elegantly and efficiently. Get ready to elevate your coding game with every line you write! Более 250 убойных JavaScript однострочников - это ваш пропуск к освоению тонкостей javascript. Внутри откройте для себя коллекцию мощных, лаконичных фрагментов кода, которые изменят то, как вы пишете и думаете о javascript. - Эта книга - ваш путь к раскрытию истинного потенциала языка. - Присоединяйтесь к нам, когда мы будем погружаться в искусство создания кода, который не только решает проблемы, но и делает это элегантно и эффективно. - Приготовьтесь совершенствовать свою игру в кодирование с каждой написанной вами строкой! Независимо от того, являетесь ли вы опытным разработчиком или только начинаете, эта книга поможет вам раскрыть истинный потенциал языка.
Примеры страниц (скриншоты)
1. Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit 2. Get Value of a brower Cookie 3. Convert RGB to Hex 4. Copy to Clipboard 5. Check if Date is Valid 6. Find the day of year 7. Capitalise a String 8. Find the number of days between two days 9. Clear All Cookies 10. Generate Random Hex 11. Get Query Params from URL 12. Log Time from Date 13. Check if a number is even or odd 14. Find Average of Numbers 15. Scroll to Top 16. Reverse a string 17. Check if array is empty 18. Get Selected Text 19. Shuffle an Array 20. Detect Dark Mode 21. Remove Duplicated from Array 22. Get the Length of a String 23. Calculate the Area of a Circle 24. Check if a Number is Prime 25. Count Occurrences of a Character in a String 26. Remove Leading and Trailing Whitespaces 27. Generate a Random Number within a Range 28. Convert Seconds to HH:MM:SS Format 29. Get the Last Element of an Array 30. Sort an Array of Numbers in Ascending Order 31. Check if a String is Palindrome 32. Calculate Factorial of a Number 33. Sum all Numbers in an Array 34. Find the Maximum Value in an Array 35. Get the Current Date in DD/MM/YYYY Format 36. Calculate the Power of a Number 37. Convert String to Number 38. Find the First N Fibonacci Numbers 39. Count the Number of Words in a String 40. Reverse an Array 41. Get the Current Year 42. Generate a Random Number between 1 and 10 43. Check if a String is Empty 44. Check if an Object has a Specific Property 45. Calculate the Average of Numbers in an Array 46. Check if a Number is a Multiple of 5 47. Convert Minutes to Seconds 48. Find the Maximum Value in an Array of Objects 49. Check if a String starts with a specific character 50. Convert a String to Title Case 51. Check if an Array contains a specific value 52. Convert an Array to a Comma-separated String 53. Check if a Year is a Leap Year 54. Find the Index of an Element in an Array 55. Convert Minutes to Hours and Minutes 56. Check if an Array is Sorted in Ascending Order 57. Remove a Specific Element from an Array 58. Truncate a String to a Given Length 59. Calculate the Exponentiation of a Number 60. Find the Difference between Two Dates in Days 61. Check if a String is a Valid Email Address 62. Convert Seconds to Minutes and Seconds 63. Check if an Object is a Function 64. Convert Binary Number to Decimal 65. Check if an Array contains only Unique Values 66. Get the Day of the Week from a Date 67. Check if a Number is a Power of Two 68. Convert Object to Query Parameters String 69. Check if an Array contains an Even Number 70. Get the Month Name from a Date 71. Check if a String is a Palindrome (case-insensitive) 72. Convert Feet to Meters 73. Check if a Number is a Perfect Square 74. Check if a String contains only Numbers 75. Get the Current Month (0-based index) 76. Calculate the Mean of an Array of Numbers 77. Check if a Number is a Prime Number 78. Get the Last N Elements of an Array 79. Convert Degrees to Radians 80. Check if a String is a Valid URL 81. Find the Intersection of Two Arrays 82. Convert Days to Years, Months, and Days 83. Check if an Object is Empty (no own properties) 84. Calculate the Factorial of a Number (recursive) 85. Remove Whitespace from a String 86. Find the Difference between Two Arrays 87. Check if a Number is a Fibonacci Number 88. Convert Hours to Minutes 89. Get the First N Elements of an Array 90. Check if a Number is Odd 91. Calculate the Standard Deviation of an Array of Numbers 92. Check if a String ends with a specific Substring 93. Calculate the Sum of Squares of an Array 94. Check if a String is a Palindrome (case-sensitive) 95. Generate an Array of Random Numbers 96. Calculate the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of Two Numbers 97. Convert Seconds to Hours, Minutes, and Seconds 98. Calculate the LCM of Two Numbers 99. Find the Longest Word in a String 100. Count the Occurrences of a Character in a String 101. Find the Median of an Array of Numbers 102. Remove Duplicates from a String 103. Find the Mode of an Array of Numbers 104. Check if a Number is a Harshad Number (Niven Number) 105. Convert Binary Number to Decimal (without parseInt) 106. Check if an Array is Sorted in Descending Order 107. Find the Average of Even Numbers in an Array 108. Capitalize the First Letter of Each Word in a String 109. Check if an Array is a Subset of Another Array 110. Find the Minimum and Maximum Numbers in an Array 111. Check if a Number is a Narcissistic Number 112. Remove Null and Undefined Values from an Array 113. Reverse the Order of Words in a String 114. Calculate the Sum of Cubes of an Array 115. Shuffle the Characters of a String 116. Find the Nth Fibonacci Number (recursive) 117. Count the Words in a String 118. Check if a Number is a Triangular Number 119. Calculate the Perimeter of a Rectangle 120. Find the Longest Common Prefix in an Array of Strings 121. Get the ASCII Value of a Character 122. Find the First Non-Repeated Character in a String 123. Sort an Array of Objects by a Property Value 124. Calculate the Exponential of a Number 125. Check if a String is an Anagram of Another String 126. Find the Factors of a Number 127. Check if a Number is a Neon Number 128. Find the Power Set of a Set 129. Check if a Number is a Disarium Number 130. Remove Vowels from a String 131. Generate an Array of Consecutive Numbers 132. Check if a Number is a Pronic Number 133. Check if a String is a Pangram 134. Reverse the Order of Words in a Sentence 135. Calculate the Hypotenuse of a Right-Angled Triangle 136. Find the Average of Odd Numbers in an Array 137. Count the Letters in a String (case-insensitive) 138. Convert Seconds to Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds 139. Check if a Number is a Prime Factor of Another Number 140. Find the Largest Prime Factor of a Number 141. Check if a Number is a Pronic Square 142. Find the Sum of the Digits of a Number 143. Calculate the Median of an Array of Numbers 144. Find the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of Two Numbers (Recursive) 145. Check if a Number is a Happy Number 146. Find the First N Prime Numbers 147. Calculate the Volume of a Sphere 148. Find the Longest Word in a Sentence 149. Check if a Number is an Armstrong Number (Narcissistic Number) 150. Find the Length of the Longest Word in a Sentence 151. Check if a Number is a Strong Number 152. Reverse the Order of an Array 153. Find the Area of a Rectangle 154. Calculate the Sum of Even Numbers in an Array 155. Find the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of Two Numbers (Iterative) 156. Calculate the Volume of a Cylinder 157. Check if a Number is a Smith Number 158. Convert Decimal Number to Octal 159. Find the LCM of Two Numbers 160. Check if a String is a Valid Phone Number (North American Format) 161. Find the Sum of the First N Natural Numbers 162. Check if a Number is a Perfect Number 163. Find the Factors of a Number (excluding 1 and the number itself) 164. Calculate the Area of a Triangle given the Base and Height 165. Check if a String is a Valid Social Security Number (SSN) 166. Generate an Array of Random Numbers within a Range 167. Check if a Number is a Magic Number 168. Check if a String is a Valid IPv4 Address 169. Convert Decimal Number to Hexadecimal 170. Check if a String is a Valid Date (YYYY-MM-DD Format) 171. Find the Smallest Common Multiple of an Array of Numbers 172. Check if a String is a Valid Password (At least 8 characters, with a digit and special character) 173. Find the Nth Fibonacci Number 174. Check if a Number is a Deficient Number 175. Calculate the Distance between Two Points in 2D 176. Check if a Number is an Abundant Number 177. Calculate the Volume of a Cube 178. Check if a String is a Valid Credit Card Number (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express) 179. Calculate the Perimeter of a Triangle 180. Check if a Number is a Vampire Number 181. Find the Sum of Digits Raised to the Power of their Respective Position 182. Check if a Number is a Duck Number 183. Generate a Random Password 184. Calculate the Area of a Trapezoid 185. Check if a Number is a Kaprekar Number 186. Calculate the Volume of a Cone 187. Check if a String is a Valid US Phone Number 188. Find the Sum of Digits Raised to the Power of their Respective Position (Up to 1000) 189. Check if a Number is a Carol Number 190. Check if a Number is a Catalan Number 191. Calculate the Volume of a Cuboid 192. Check if a Number is a Dudeney Number 193. Generate a Random Color (Hexadecimal Format) 194. Calculate the Area of a Circle Sector 195. Calculate the Area of a Regular Polygon 196. Remove Duplicates from Array 197. Calculate the Area of an Ellipse 198. Check if a Number is a Leyland Number 199. Generate a Random UUID 200. Check if a String is a Valid IPv6 Address 201. Calculate the Area of a Parallelogram 202. Check if a String is a Valid MAC Address 203. Convert RGB to HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) 204. Check if a Number is a Pandigital Number 205. Calculate the Sum of Proper Divisors of a Number 206. Find the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of an Array of Numbers 207. Calculate the Sum of Squares of First n Natural Numbers 208. Check if a Number is a Powerful Number 209. Find the Product of Digits of a Number 210. Check if a Number is a Practical Number 211. Calculate the Sum of Cubes of First n Natural Numbers 212. Check if a Number is a Strange Number 213. Check if a Number is a Tau Number 214. Generate a Random Alphanumeric String 215. Calculate the Area of a Regular Hexagon 216. Calculate the Sum of Divisors of a Number 217. Check if a Number is a Zeisel Number 218. Check if a Number is a Reversible Number 219. Calculate the Circumference of a Circle 220. Find the Shortest Word in a String 222. Find the Sum of Proper Divisors of a Number 223. Check if a Number is a Unitary Perfect Number 224. Calculate the Perimeter of a Regular Polygon 225. Calculate the Area of an Equilateral Triangle 226. Check if a Number is a Harshad Smith Number 227. Check if a Number is a Perfect Power 228. Calculate the Sum of Digits Raised to Their Own Power 229. Check if a Number is a Dudeney Number 230. Calculate the Area of a Regular Pentagon 231. Calculate the Volume of a Pyramid 232. Check if a Number is a Wedderburn-Etherington Number 233. Calculate the Surface Area of a Cube 234. Check if a Number is a Pluperfect Number 235. Calculate the Area of a Regular Octagon 236. Check if a Number is a Repunit Number 237. Calculate the Volume of a Ellipsoid 238. Check if a String is a Valid URL (Alternative Approach) 239. Check if a String is a Valid Tax Identification Number (TIN) 240. Check if a String is a Valid ISBN (International Standard Book Number) 241. Check if a String is a Valid IP Address 242. Reverse a String (Using Recursion) 243. Count the Occurrences of Each Element in an Array 244. Check if Two Arrays are Equal (Shallow Comparison) 245. Find the Minimum Value in an Array 246. Flatten an Array of Nested Arrays (Using concat) 247. Find the Average of Numbers in an Array 248. Sum the Squares of Numbers in an Array 249. Check if a String is a Palindrome (Ignoring Non-Alphanumeric Characters) 250. Shuffle an Array (Using Fisher-Yates Algorithm) 251. Sort an Array of Objects by a Specific Property 252. Reverse Words in a Sentence 253. Find the Median of Numbers in an Array 254. Count the Vowels in a String 255. Check if a Number is a Tribonacci Number (Alternative Approach) 256. Calculate the Fibonacci Sequence (Up to N Terms) 257. Find the ASCII Value of a Character 258. Check if a String is an Isogram (No Repeating Characters) 259. Calculate the Hamming Distance of Two Strings (Equal Length) 260. Calculate the Distance between Two Points in a 2D Plane 261. Check if a String is a Positive Number (No Sign or Decimal Allowed) 262. Find the First Non-Repeating Character in a String 263. Calculate the Area of a Kite 264. Calculate the Area of a Sector
Abella Hernando / Абелла Эрнандо - 250+ Killer JavaScript One-Liners: Transform your code into powerful solutions / Более 250 убойных JavaScript однострочников: преобразуйте свой код в мощные решения [2024, PDF, EPUB, MOBI, ENG] download torrent for free and without registration
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