Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 2023 Release - Classroom in a Book (+ Lessons files) / Официальный учебный курс Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 2023 г. (файлы уроков включены) [2023, EPUB/MOBI, ENG]

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Post 08-Dec-2023 12:05


Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic
Classroom in a Book (2023 Release)

Год выпуска: 2023
Автор: Adobe Press
Жанр: Создание и обработка графики
Серия: Classroom in a Book
Язык: Английский
Издательство: Adobe Press (Pearson Education)
ISBN: 978-0-13-798360-5
Качество: Издательский макет (e-book)
Количество страниц: ~ 600
Интерактивное оглавление: Да
Превратите часы редактирования изображений в минуты и наведите порядок в своей библиотеке фотографий с помощью Lightroom Classic.
Самый быстрый, простой и наиболее полный способ изучения Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic Classroom in a Book®, самая продаваемая серия практических учебных пособий по программному обеспечению, предлагает то, чего не предлагает ни одна другая книга или программа обучения, — официальную серию обучающих материалов от Adobe. разработан при поддержке экспертов по продуктам Adobe.
Классический класс в книге Adobe Photoshop Lightroom содержит уроки, охватывающие основы и не только, а также бесчисленные советы и приемы, которые помогут вам повысить продуктивность работы с программой. Вы можете прочитать книгу от начала до конца или выбрать только те уроки, которые вас интересуют. Если вы ищете вдохновение, вы можете просмотреть разделы «Обзоры художников», в которых рассказывается о лидерах отрасли и их работах.
Приобретение этой книги включает в себя ценные онлайн-дополнения. Следуйте инструкциям в разделе «Начало работы» книги, чтобы разблокировать доступ к загружаемым файлам уроков, необходимым для работы над проектами в книге.
Веб-издание, содержащее полный текст книги, интерактивные викторины и видеоролики, которые шаг за шагом проведут вас по урокам.
Что вам понадобится для использования этой книги: программное обеспечение Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic для Windows или macOS. (Программное обеспечение не входит в комплект.)
Примечание. «Класс в книге» не заменяет документацию, поддержку, обновления или любые другие преимущества зарегистрированного владельца программного обеспечения Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic.


Turn hours of image editing into minutes and keep your photography library organized with Lightroom Classic.
The fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic Classroom in a Book®, the best-selling series of hands-on software training workbooks, offers what no other book or training program does-an official training series from Adobe, developed with the support of Adobe product experts.
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic Classroom in a Book contains lessons that cover the basics and beyond, providing countless tips and techniques to help you become more productive with the program. You can follow the book from start to finish or choose only those lessons that interest you. When you're looking for inspiration you can peruse the Artist Spotlights sections, which highlight industry leaders and their work.
Purchasing this book includes valuable online extras. Follow the instructions in the book's "Getting Started"section to unlock access to Downloadable lesson files you need to work through the projects in the book.
Web Edition containing the complete text of the book, interactive quizzes, and videos that walk you through the lessons step by step
What you need to use this book: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic software, for either Windows or macOS. (Software not included.)
Note: Classroom in a Book does not replace the documentation, support, updates, or any other benefits of being a registered owner of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic software.

Содержание (Table of Contents)

1. About Classroom in a Book
2. What’s new in this edition
3. Prerequisites
1. Requirements on your computer
2. Required skills
4. Installing Lightroom Classic
5. Online content
1. Lesson files
2. Web Edition
3. Accessing the lesson files and Web Edition
6. Understanding Lightroom catalog files
1. Creating a catalog file for working with this book
7. Getting ready to go mobile
8. Getting help
1. Module-specific tips
2. Navigating Help in the application
3. Accessing Help and support on the web
4. Additional resources
1. Understanding how Lightroom works
1. About catalog files
2. Managing the photos in your catalog
3. Managing files and folders
4. Non-destructive editing
5. Editing photos in another application
2. The Lightroom Classic workspace
1. The top panel
2. The work area
3. The Toolbar
4. The Filmstrip
5. The side panels
6. Customizing the workspace
3. The Lightroom Classic modules
4. The Lightroom Classic workflow
1. Importing photos
2. Reviewing and organizing
3. Culling your images
4. Working with collections
5. Rearranging and deleting images in a collection
6. Comparing photos side by side
7. Comparing several photos
5. Developing and editing
1. Using Quick Develop in the Library module
2. Working in the Develop module
3. Straightening and cropping an image
4. Adjusting lighting and tonal balance
5. Creating effects with the Radial Filter tool
6. Using the Spot Removal tool
6. Sharing your work by email
1. Lightroom is your digital notebook
2. The import process
3. Importing photos from a digital camera
1. Organizing your copied photos in folders
2. Backup strategies
3. Renaming files as they are imported
4. Importing images from a hard disk
1. Applying metadata
5. Importing via drag and drop
6. Evaluating photos before importing
7. Images that are already imported
8. Importing to a specific folder
9. Importing from a watched folder
10. Tethered shooting
1. Tethered shooting with a supported camera
11. Viewing imported photos in the work area
1. Setting Grid and Loupe view options
1. Viewing and managing your images
2. Adjusting the workspace layout
1. Resizing panels
2. Showing and hiding panels or panel groups
3. Expanding and collapsing panels
4. Hiding and showing panels
3. Toggling screen modes
4. Switching views
5. Working in Loupe view
1. Using the Loupe view overlays
2. Comparing photos
3. Using Survey view to narrow a selection
6. Flagging and deleting images
7. Grouping images in the Quick Collection
1. Moving images into or out of the Quick Collection
2. Converting and clearing the Quick Collection
3. Designating a target collection
8. Working with the Filmstrip
1. Hiding the Filmstrip and adjusting its size
2. Using filters in the Filmstrip
3. Changing the sorting order of the thumbnails
4. Using a secondary display
1. Folders vs. collections
1. Folders store; they do not organize
2. Using collections to organize images
1. The Quick Collection
2. Creating collections
3. Pro tip: Automatic collections from folders
4. Your turn: Make a new collection
5. Working with collection sets
6. Duplicating collection sets
7. Collection sets for organizing your work
8. Smart collections
3. Taking your collections on the road
1. Syncing photos from Lightroom Classic
2. Viewing synced photos on your mobile device
3. Editing on the site
4. Using keyword tags
1. Viewing keyword tags
2. Adding keyword tags
3. Working with keyword sets and nesting keywords
4. Searching by keyword
5. Using flags and ratings
1. Flagging images
2. Assigning ratings
6. Adding metadata
7. Tagging faces in the People view
8. Organizing photos by location
1. Working in the Map module
2. Geotagging images captured without GPS data
3. Saving map locations
4. Using the Painter tool
9. Finding and filtering files
1. Using the Filter bar to find photos
2. Using the filters in the Filmstrip
1. The Develop module
1. Reorganize the Develop module
2. Creating a collection from a previous import
3. Cropping and rotating images
1. Changing crop overlays
2. Using the Straighten tool
3. Cropping to specific dimensions
4. Seeing your crop better
4. What are camera profiles?
1. Profiles in Lightroom
2. Using the Profile Browser
5. Setting your picture’s white balance
6. Setting exposure and contrast
7. Adjusting shadows and highlights
8. Clarity, vibrance, and saturation
9. Adding detail to your images
10. Lens corrections and transformations
1. Using virtual copies for variations
11. Using snapshots for variations
1. A major change to Lightroom:
AI-based selections and masking
2. Using the Linear Gradient tool
1. Using the Radial Gradient tool
2. Using the Masking Brush tool
3. Using the Select Sky, Subject, and Background masks
4. Using the Select People mask
5. Using the Select Object mask
6. Adding and removing masks
7. Using Color Range and Luminance Range selections
3. Removing distractions with the Healing tool
4. Removing sensor spots and syncing changes
1. Using Content-Aware Remove on your image
2. Combining several types of masks in one image
3. Easy organization and powerful editing in Lightroom mobile
5. HSL and Tone Curve adjustments
1. Working with the HSL/Color panel
2. Working with the Tone Curve panel
6. Creative color and black-and-white effects
1. Converting a color photo to black and white
2. Color Grading
3. The Effects panel
7. Making panoramas
1. Merging to a panorama in Lightroom Classic
2. Headless mode for panoramas
8. Making HDR images
1. Merging to HDR in Lightroom Classic
2. Headless mode for HDR
9. Creating HDR panoramas
10. Saving time in Lightroom
1. Applying previous corrections
2. Synchronizing corrections
3. Creating a Develop preset
1. Assembling photos for a book
2. Working in the Book module
1. Setting up a photo book
2. Changing page layouts
3. Adding page numbers to a photo book
4. Placing photos in a book layout
5. Changing the images in a photo book
6. Working with photo cells
7. Setting a page background
3. Adding text to a photo book
1. Working with text cells
2. Fine-tuning type
3. Working with captions
4. Creating a custom text preset
5. Saving and reusing custom book page layouts
4. Creating a saved book
1. Copying a saved book
5. Exporting a photo book
1. Assembling photos for a slideshow
2. Working in the Slideshow module
1. Choosing a slideshow template
3. Customizing your slideshow template
1. Adjusting the slide layout
2. Setting up the slide background
3. Adjusting stroke borders and shadows
4. Adding a text overlay
4. Creating a saved slideshow
5. Refining the content of a slideshow
6. Adding sound and motion to your slideshow
7. Saving a customized slideshow template
8. Exporting a slideshow
9. Playing an impromptu slideshow
10. My suggested settings for a slideshow
1. Creating a collection from the existing images
2. About the Lightroom Classic Print module
3. About layout styles and print templates
4. Selecting a print template
1. Specifying the printer and paper size
5. Customizing print templates
1. Changing the number of cells
2. Rearranging the photos in a print layout
3. Creating stroke and photo borders
4. Customizing your identity plate
5. Printing captions and metadata information
6. Creating a Custom Package print layout
1. Changing the page background color
7. Configuring the output settings
8. Using color management
1. Color managed by your printer
2. Color management controlled by Lightroom
3. Tweaking printed color manually
9. Saving print settings as an output collection
1. Printing your job
1. Preventing data loss
2. Backing up the catalog file
1. Exporting metadata
3. Backing up the library
1. Exporting images as a catalog
4. Exporting photos
1. Exporting JPEG files for onscreen viewing
2. Exporting as PSD or TIFF for further editing
3. Exporting as original or DNG for archiving
4. Using export presets
5. Creating user presets
6. Using Multi-Batch Export
1. Keep your computer clean
2. Workflow overview: Hot, medium, and cold
3. Workflow: Hot status
1. Importing the pictures
2. Iterative culling: picks and rejects
3. Collection sets and collections
4. Backing up your images
4. Workflow: Medium status
1. Your need to access pictures diminishes over time
2. Creating Smart Previews
3. Selecting your external hard drive
4. Moving your images to the external drive
5. Relinking missing folders
6. Backing up your external drive
5. Workflow: Cold status
1. What is a NAS device?
2. Moving your folder to the NAS device
6. Accessing files on the NAS over the internet
1. Using smart collections for catalog cleanup

Примеры страниц (Page samples)

Доп. информация:
Качество картинок смотрите на скриншотах (чрезвычайно низкое в большинстве, к сожалению). Так что ориентироваться придется в основном на описания.
Скриншоты полноразмерные, с разрешением 300 ppi, снятые из STDU-Viewer.
Пока что наиболее приемлемой для чтения оказалась встроенная программа просмотра в WinRar, но в ней нет выделения и копирования текста (я не нашла этой опции).-Опубликовано группой -Всем, кто остается в сидах!
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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 2023 Release - Classroom in a Book (+ Lessons files) / Официальный учебный курс Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 2023 г. (файлы уроков включены) [2023, EPUB/MOBI, ENG] download torrent for free and without registration
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