Пираты Карибского Моря: Новые Горизонты Название игры: Pirates of the Caribbean Год выпуска: 2007-2023 Автор/Разработчик: Pirates Ahoy! Community Тип раздачи: Mods Версия программы: b14b4.1WIP+исправления от 09 июня 2023 Требуемая версия игры: 1.03 Язык интерфейса: английский (по умолчанию) и русский Требуемый язык игры: не важно Свободное место на жестком диске: 15 Гб Описание: "Пираты Карибского Моря: Новые Горизонты", также известные как Build 14 Pirates Ahoy! Community, находятся в разработке с момента выпуска Build 13, в начале 2007 года. С тех пор, было добавлено много различного контента и функций, которые, как считали официальные разработчики, нельзя реализовать на данном движке. Способ установки Не рекомендуется устанавливать игру в Program Files Скачать и установить игру из этой раздачи. Установить последний патч, обновляющий игру до версии 1.03 (potc13.exe) Запустить b14_installer.exe и указать путь к папке с игрой, установить. Скопировать из папки Add fix в папку с игрой и разархивировать post_1Jan_updates_090623, смена языка - Options - Inetrface Settings.
Список изменений:
Были добавлены: 194 новых корабля и 632 новых моделей персонажей, в том числе из фильмов Пираты Карибского Моря, Ассассин и многие другие. На Невисе появился новый город + еще три новых острова. У персонажей каждой нации свои текстуры, чтобы сделать каждый город уникальным, многие модели были дополнительно модифицированы или заменены полностью. «Прямой парус»: этого просили поклонники игры. Теперь вы можете перемещаться с острова на остров в 3D-режиме без использования Карты мира. По пути вы будете время от времени сталкиваться с другими кораблями и предметами, дрейфующими в море. Тем, кто предпочитает аркадный геймплей, оставили Карту мира без изменений. Сохраняться в море: Несмотря на ограничения игрового движка, теперь есть возможность сохранить игру в 3D-режиме плавания. Время действий: Игровой мир будет исторически верен для каждой сюжетной линии, с периодами от 1500 до 1820 гг. Захват колоний: Наиболее частая просьба сделать такую возможность, с момента выпуска игры. Первоначально была возможность нападать на вражеские города, но не захватывать их. С этим модом, вы сможете: либо оставлять колонии себе или своему наместнику-офицеру, либо просто их разграбить. Прогулка по палубе: Добавлена возможность свободно ходить по своему кораблю или посетить корабль союзного капитана, кают-компанию, пушечную палубу и трюм, в зависимости от размера и класса корабля, а так же свою капитанскую каюту. На палубе можно пообщаться с офицерами или матросами. На суше можно самому в любой локации строить здания. С собой на берег брать до 10 человек команды, помимо 3 офицеров.
Список изменений версии 4.1 WIP
"PROGRAM\Locations\init\Ship.c": "chestcabin" replaced by "cabinchest" to make quest cabins work - GR 3/1/17 New "towngirl1_2" and "Jordano" character models - GR 6/1/17 New fast galleon models and textures - GR 10/1/17 "PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\StartStoryline.c", "PROGRAM\ISLANDS\Islands_init.c": Revised initial trade goods for Free Play - pedrwyth 11/1/17 "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\Joaquin Da Saldanha_dialog.c": corrected to use variable "REPUTATION_PLAIN" instead of fixed value 50 - GR 12/1/17 "PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\quests\quests_reaction.c": fixes to scenes where you kill Anacleto Rui Sa Pinto and take his ship - GR 13/1/17 New "English Galleon" model - GR 19/1/17 "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\common.ini" - line "Cannot Buy - Rank Too Low" added so that shipyard interface works - GR 21/1/17 "PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\StartStoryline.c": relations for War of the League of Augsburg revised, Portugal wasn't in the League or the war - GR 21/1/17 "RESOURCE\MODELS\Ships\SuperFrigate\SuperFrigate.gm": locator pointing to "decor" removed as that is the stars and shield of "USS Constitution" - GR 25/1/17 New "Monkey D. Luffy" character model - GR 26/1/17 "RESOURCE\MODELS\Locations\Inside\Prison\Pri_l_GR.gm": missing from original 7th January update, needed for "Ardent" storyline - GR 29/1/17 New "Battleship4" model, including new ship interface file "shipsTM.tga.tx" - GR 29/1/17 "PROGRAM\INTERFACE\interface.c": Fix to reset the tradeLow variable after trade with a hostile storekeeper - pedrwyth 29/1/17 "PROGRAM\INTERFACE\transfer_crew.c": Fix to allow you to take all the crew off a beaten ship if you are sinking it - pedrwyth 29/1/17 New "FR_Battleship4" and "SP_Battleship4" models - GR and JRH 9/2/17 "Woodes Rogers" story updated - JRH 9/2/17 Updates to "Woodes Rogers" - JRH 10/2/17 "PROGRAM\ITEMS\initItems.c": new "bladeC36" katana - JRH 10/2/17 "Ardent" storyline updated - GR 10/2/17 New "huber_spa6" character model - GR 15/2/17 New "Rochefort" character model - JRH 15/2/17 "PROGRAM\BATTLE_INTERFACE\BattleInterface.c", "RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\English\commands_name.txt": modified effects for Sword of Triton - PB 22/2/17 "RESOURCE\Textures\BATTLE_INTERFACE\cicons_command.tga.tx": new icons for Sword of Triton - JRH 22/2/17 New "lady3" character model - GR 24/2/17 Further updates to "Woodes Rogers" - JRH 5/3/17 "PROGRAM\CANNONS\Cannons.c": fixes to make type CANNON_TYPE_NONECANNON work properly - Levis & PB 27/9/2016 "PROGRAM\Locations\init\Antigua.c": extra location "Antigua_Jungle_03" added as bridge between locators in "Antigua_Jungle_01" - GR 18/3/17 "PROGRAM\NATIONS\nations.c": fix for companion ships not mutinying if you hoist hostile flag - GR 19/3/17 New "Brigantina2" ship model, retexture of "Brigantina1" - GR 3/4/17 "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\Father Bernard_dialog.c", "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\ENGLISH\Father Bernard_dialog.h": preprocessed placeholders added to correctly address male / female characters - GR 8/4/17 "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\Father Bernard_dialog.c", "PROGRAM\Storyline\JackSparrow\DIALOGS\Father Bernard_dialog.c": 'pchar.quest.ANIMISTS' replaced by 'CheckQuestAttribute("ANIMISTS", "FRIGATE_LOST")' to prevent error logs - GR 8/4/17 "PROGRAM\INTERFACE\Shipyard.c": conditions for buying warships changed to make unbuyable if player less than proper rank, instead of less than or equal - GR 11/4/17 New "SP_FirstRate" ship model - GR 13/4/17 "Woodes Rogers" story updated - JRH 13/4/17 New Cartagena cloister - JRH 13/4/17 "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\Blacksmith4_dialog.c", "PROGRAM\DIALOGS\ENGLISH\Blacksmith4_dialog.h": address female character correctly - GR 29/4/17 New character models "Lucia_1", "lady1" - GR 29/4/17 "church.c/h", "Gilbert Ballester_dialog.c/h", and several priest dialog files: preprocessed placeholders added to correctly address male / female characters - GR 3/5/17 "pater jourdain_dialog.c/h": 'GetCharacterAddressForm' corrected to refer to player rather than priest - GR 4/5/17 "pater dominic_dialog.c/h": created as copies of "pater jourdain_dialog.c/h", with "pater dominic_dialog.c" omitting all code referring to Elzire Ayarai - GR 4/5/17 "PROGRAM\MAXIMUS_Functions.c", "PROGRAM\QUESTS\quests_common.c": code to place "danielle_quests_corsair_1" changed to put him just outside tavern - GR, PB 4/5/17 "Reynard Grueneveldt_dialog.c/h", "Unhappy women_dialog.c/h", "Padre Domingues_dialog.c/h: modified to allow for female player character - GR 5/5/17 "second_spaniard_priest_dialog.c/h" modified to allow for female player character. "Strange Things Going On in the Archipelago" should now work - GR 6/5/17 "PROGRAM\Weather\Init\WhrFogRainCheck.c": rainbows only appear during daytime - Uzver 8/5/17 "PROGRAM\Characters\characters_login.c": additional check for reduction of ammo carried so that it does not apply to officers - Uzver 15/5/17 "Woodes Rogers" story updated - JRH 15/5/17 Battleaxe carried on back - JRH 15/5/17 Build 14 Beta 4.1: - New Features: . Receive a free soldier outfit after dealing with Soldier Reinforcements by Grey Roger . Storage chest added to the personal cabin on Cozumel by Jack Rackham . Improved Fast Travel by Jack Rackham . Cartagena Second Tavern sells Wine and Rum by Grey Roger . Soldiers on boardings receive soldier weapons by Pieter Boelen . Store added to Bonaire Pirate Fort by ANSEL . Apothecary/Strange Plants sidequest fixed and finished by Jack Rackham . Skill Colour Coding added to Officer Transfer Interface by Pieter Boelen - Code Updates: . Limited number of soldiers in Merchant Guild attacks by Pieter Boelen . Reduced number of soldiers in Soldier Reinforcements by Pieter Boelen . Reduced strength for town guards by Pieter Boelen . Allow swapping ships as Naval Officer after reaching rank 7 by Pieter Boelen . Character transfer disabled between two companion ships by Pedrwyth . Removed cap to fencing XP for high-level opponents by Pieter Boelen . Allowed more variety in destinations for Cargo Quests by Pieter Boelen . Reduced cargo capacity for Gunboat by Pieter Boelen . Variables added for additional companions, officers and skill points by Mere Mortal . Rebalanced ship upgrade prices by Mere Mortal . Ship and fort memory takes into account player ship type by Grey Roger . Ship Speed and Turn Rate added to Ransack Interface by Mere Mortal . Keyboard controls for Save/Load Interface improved by Mere Mortal . Pirates are more forgiving of actions against them if you're a Pirate by Pieter Boelen . Opium Smuggling "Buyers List" code improved by Mere Mortal and Pieter Boelen . Characters in non-existent locations removed by Pieter Boelen . Various characters set as "quest characters" by Pieter Boelen . Ransack/Transfer Main Interface error fixed by Pieter Boelen . Transfer Crew Interface error fixed by Pieter Boelen . Quiver, Curare and Tar always enabled in the game by Pieter Boelen . Ship Deck Texture code cleaned up and simplified by Pieter Boelen . Error checking code added to GetPrettyLocationName function by Pieter Boelen . Error checking added to Passengers Interface and Face Lists by Pieter Boelen . Relation quest check simplified by Grey Roger . Ships Init mistakes corrected by Hotshot . Passengers Interface skill colour coding improved by Pieter Boelen . Antigua Port Admiral quests require English Letter of Marque by Grey Roger . Smuggling Coastal Guards never let you go free if you are hostile by Johanno . Rain and storm chances further reduced by ANSEL . Random name for new ship takes into account player's Served Nation by Pieter Boelen . Safe Port Leave restores your previous flag afterwards by Grey Roger . XP cap for high level opponents restored by Pieter Boelen . Possible to toss Indian items (arrows, quiver, curare, tar) by Pieter Boelen . Modified musket accuracy and armour statistics by Grey Roger . Sword Training with Crewmembers delay increased by Pieter Boelen . IsPlayerParty removed (replaced with bAllies) by Pieter Boelen . Period-dependent conditions for joining the Pirates by Grey Roger - Bug Fixes: . Fix to prevent Merchant Guild attack when player group was not responsible by Pieter Boelen . Fix to allow larger Random Quest Ships by Pieter Boelen . Any town capture resets the memory for its fort by Pieter Boelen . Fix to ensure any passengers are not erased by Pieter Boelen . Fix to ensure best smuggling time matches between dialog and questbook by Pieter Boelen . Correction for Shipyard "Cannot Buy" text with Shipyard Ship Availability set to "Stock PotC" by Pieter Boelen . Crew transfer between companion ships re-enabled by Pedrwyth . Officer dialog restored after sending Smuggling Scout by Pieter Boelen . Looting of Blade Muskets fixed by Jack Rackham . Stuck while reloading during anchoring fix by Pedrwyth . Prevent ship stats of zero for Personal Design ships by Pieter Boelen . Fixed ship deck for Naval Ketch by Pieter Boelen . Hull upgrade increases maximum cannon calibre by Mere Mortal . HP Bonus code fixed and cleaned up by Pieter Boelen . Opium Smuggling Fast Travel effect fixed and simplified by Pieter Boelen . Hireable officers will not be on the random Opium List by Pieter Boelen . Using opium takes away only one item instead of two by Pieter Boelen . Attempted fix for Boarding Looting Crashes by Mere Mortal (adapted by Pieter Boelen) . Fetch Quest amounts fixed by Pieter Boelen . Apothecary Fetch Quest Ship's Log entry added by Talisman . Opium Smuggling Quest timer and quest closing fixed by Talisman . Ship calibre in Shipyard fixed by Mere Mortal . Martinique "No Save" monk appearance fixed by Pieter Boelen . Potential CharacterFromID error fixed by Mere Mortal . Potential crash from Companion as Fort Commander fixed by Pieter Boelen . Prevent captain of ship you are boarding being cleared by Pieter Boelen . Game crash from dialog with officers/soldiers on islands without smuggling patrols fixed by Pieter Boelen . Cargo quests with multiple ships fixed by Pieter Boelen . IsPassenger old check depreciated to prevent errors by Pieter Boelen . Reputation change for officers fixed by Pieter Boelen . Cartagena ladies greetings fixed by Grey Roger . Andre Juliao and Thierry Bosquet appearance fixed by Grey Roger and Pieter Boelen . Effective skill updates correctly with Auto Skill System OFF by Pieter Boelen . Antigua Port Admiral ambush fixed by Grey Roger . Cargo quests fixed for Grand Turk and Hispaniola Buccaneer's Camp by Pieter Boelen . Ship Interface cannon numbers and Speed/TurnRate display fixed by MereMortal . Crewmember name nationalities during boarding fixed by Pieter Boelen . Incorrect references to Opium Den removed by Pieter Boelen . Prevent losing Letter of Marque when gaining points by Pieter Boelen . Flag-related error log fixed by Pieter Boelen . Potential error when gaining points for sinking/capturing ships fixed by Pieter Boelen . Player Companion Mutinies fixed by Pieter Boelen . Crash when putting enemy captain in cargo hold with Weaponsmod OFF fixed by Pieter Boelen . Enforced false flag detection fixed by Grey Roger . Reload disable/enable code simplified and fixed by Pieter Boelen . Officer skill contribution fixed for companion ships by Pieter Boelen . Telescope never auto-equips fixed by Pieter Boelen . Prevented IsPassenger error log entry by Pieter Boelen . Game world is reset correctly when leaving the Pirates by Pieter Boelen . Blacksmiths fully disabled if Weaponsmod OFF by Pieter Boelen . Playing Cards for Smuggling does not mess up gambling afterwards by Pieter Boelen . Errors with Musket Bayonets fixed by Jack Rackham . Using Reinit while carrying the Opium List does not mess up Maps by Pieter Boelen . Getting stuck in Cartagena Town after killing item trader/soldier fixed by Pieter Boelen . Random characters in Banks fixed by ANSEL . Relation quest condition fixed by Grey Roger . Potential anchoring issue when setting sail prevented by Pieter Boelen - Storyline Updates: . Sidequests: > First Contact HP after being shot fixed by Pieter Boelen > First Contact ship deck code fixed by Pieter Boelen > Sinking the Vogelstruijs more reliable quest update by Pieter Boelen > Sinking the Vogelstruijs quest loop fixed properly by Pieter Boelen > Sinking the Vogelstruijs, Barend Hesselink more formidable enemy by Grey Roger > Animists sidequest ensure enemy ships are hostile by Pieter Boelen > Search for Peter Blood's Ship, Txiki Pijuan immortal at start of quest to prevent errors by Pieter Boelen > Find Angelique Moulin's Father, Antoine Chamfort always present and soldiers do not attack him by Pieter Boelen > Hard Larbours of an Assassin sidequest can be started again if initially refused by Pieter Boelen > Strange Things Going on in the Archipelago, Jaoquin de Masse gets regular officer dialog after being hired by Pieter Boelen > Smuggling for Thomas O'Reilly clarified by Pieter Boelen > Claire Larousse sidequest no longer locks Barbados island by Pieter Boelen > Church Protection sidequest code cleaned up so it completes only once by Pieter Boelen > Girl Won in a Card Game enabled also at Grenada by Pieter Boelen . Standard storyline: > Rheim's death potential quest break fixed by Pieter Boelen > Robert Christopher Silehard functions as regular governor by Grey Roger > Potential sidequest interference with Danielle avoided by Grey Roger > Virgile Boon does not trigger reinforcements during boarding by Pieter Boelen > Random characters interfering with tavern scene fixed by Grey Roger > Potential killing Ferro Cerezo exploit fixed by Pieter Boelen > Avoid accidental fight with Cursed Pirates by Grey Roger > Avoid skipping ahead using Fast Travel at Nevis Pirate Settlement by Pieter Boelen . Ardent storyline: > Quest extension including wedding and convoy strike added by Grey Roger . Assassin storyline: > Hitman quest ending restored by Pieter Boelen > Isla Mona attempted fix by Bartolomeu o Portugues > Isla Mona smuggling nation modified as per the story by Grey Roger > Spanish Captain character model fixed by Grey Roger > Hitman interference fixed by Grey Roger > Relations and flag hoisting fixed by Grey Roger > Sidequests restored by Grey Roger . Bartolomeu o Portugues storyline: > Cargo Quests disabled for Hispaniola Buccaneer Camp by Pieter Boelen . Free Play storyline: > Tiny boat ship stats affected only for Castaway (instead of Swashbuckler difficulty) by Pieter Boelen > Jean Lafitte gets Opium at game start, other smugglers don't by Pieter Boelen . Hornblower storyline: > Lieutenant Bush custom model added by Grey Roger > Various fixes by Grey Roger . Jack Sparrow storyline: > First Contact bugs fixed by Pieter Boelen . Woodes Rogers storyline: > New WIP content added by Jack Rackham . The Gold-Bug storyline: > Ending fixed by Jack Rackham - Model and Texture Updates: . Historically accurate British Navy Fleet paint scheme by Armada and Grey Roger . HMS Interceptor improved texture by Legendary Spider . Elizabeth Swann pirate outfit added by Grey Roger . Milady de Winter custom character skin added by Grey Roger . Brandenburg Personal Flag added by Grey Roger . Speightstown Dungeon, Charlestown and Cartagena locators fixed by Pieter Boelen - ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION OPTIONS: . Possibility to revert to original black-and-yellow paint scheme for British ships
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[Mods] Pirates of the Caribbean: New Horizons / Пираты Карибского Моря: Новые Горизонты (Pirates of the Caribbean) [RUS + ENG] (b14b4.1WIP) download torrent for free and without registration
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