[GB/GBC] Ромсет Game Boy и Game Boy Color [GoodGBx v3.15b] Год выпуска: 2022 Жанр: Все жанры Разработчик: Nintendo и др. Издательство: Nintendo и др Язык интерфейса: Анлийский, Китайский, Японский, Русский и др. Консоль: GameBoy Color Описание: Новейший Good-сет ромов для Ромсет Game Boy и Game Boy Color по версии GoodGBx v3.15b, на сегодняшний день. Раздача для истинных коллекционеров, включает в себя - оригиналы,хаки, дампы, прототипы,беты и тд. Количество ромов 9355 из 9355. Опубликовано впервые, на нашем трекере!!! Доп. информация: Различия между сетами. Сборники Good - созданы для коллекционеров, в них есть всё - официальные и неофициальные игры, хаки, прототипы, беты и ТП. суда же входят сборники No-Intro и сборники Русских версий игр, То-есть как говорят некоторые - "сборники с мусором", хотя я в корне с этим не согласен,так как являюсь коллекционером. Многие делают из этого сборника отдельные раздачи. Сборники No-Intro - те в которые входят только хорошие дампы, без хаков, прототипов и тп, то есть оригинальные версии различных стран USA,EUR,JAP и тп, дампы максимально близкие к лицензионным картриджам.Только официально выходившие игры.Напоминаю все они входят в сборники с Good сетами. Сборники NonGood - все ромы не вошедшие в Good сеты, обычно их собирают такие как мы фанаты и любители консолей, дабы расширить свою коллекцию, рыская по инету, ищем новые дампы и все возможные новые ромы - позднее эти сборники попадают уже в новую версию Good сета. От себя- уважаемые любители клонировать раздачи, отнеситесь внимательно к различиями между сетами! Если делаете No-Intro - к примеру, делайте его чистым без дополнительных папок с теми же хаками и прототипами, какой в этом смысл? Good сет - переименован в No-Intro - что я частенько замечаю.Есть также любители переименовать ромы, придерживайтесь стандартов. Смысл переименовывать ром который правильно назван, для вас это удобно, для коллекционеров - это нормальный ром и переименованный вами, потом разбираться какой из дампов правильный.
История портативной игровой приставки Game Boy и Game Boy Color
Game Boy История портативной игровой приставки всех времён и народов Game Boy. До Game Boy уже существовали ручные приставки, но ни одна из них не получила такой мировой популярности. Вместо вступления Созданная талантливым дизайнером Gunpei Yokoi портативная игровая система Game Boy поступает в 1989 году на прилавки японских магазинов с играми Super Mario Land, Alleyway и Baseball. В скором времени на Game Boy выходит и придуманная нашим с вами соотечественником Алексеем Пажитновым игра Tetris, и сразу становится ясно, что эта гениальная игра оптимально подходит для портативной игровой системы от Nintendo. На заре появления 16-битных приставок поклонникам Nintendo представилась возможность получить что-то действительно новое от своей любимой компании. В оригинальной системе Game Boy использовался жидкокристаллический экран (LCD) без подсветки, способный выводить четыре оттенка серого цвета, и 8-битный центральный процессор. И несмотря на то что в течение более чем 10-ти лет (за все время существования системы Game Boy) на рынке появлялись более мощные и впечатляющие портативные системы, Game Boy оставалась самой популярной, она процветала и смогла пережить все другие конкурирующие портативные системы. Game Boy по праву считается самой удачной портативной игровой системой за все время существования индустрии интерактивных развлечений. В июне 2000 года ее тираж превысил отметку в 100 миллионов устройств. Game Boy Color В конце 1998 года Nintendo выпускает улучшенную версию системы Game Boy, названную Game Boy Color. Система GBC, подхватывая пальму первенства своей предшественницы, сразу становится новым лидером на рынке портативных игровых систем. При создании модернизированной системы Game Boy Color компания Nintendo взяла за основу дизайн Game Boy Pocket, выпущенной несколькими годами раньше. На корпусе GBC были сглажены углы, что придало устройству более стильный внешний вид, а также в нее был встроен новый TFT LCD экран, разработанный компанией Sharp. Этот экран уже не требует внутренней подсветки для того, чтобы можно было разглядеть цвета. Теперь вы можете играть в любимые игры, просто повернув устройство к внешнему источнику света. Также для нового экрана не актуальны проблемы с эффектом затемнения или размазывания картинки, что можно было наблюдать на прежнем, черно-белом экране Game Boy. В GBC вы сможете наблюдать более качественную картинку вывода игры на экран даже в том случае, если используемая вами программа не была специально разработана под ее возможности. Карманная игровая система Game Boy Color сейчас существует в шести цветовых решениях: фиолетовый, фиолетовый прозрачный, салатовый, желтый, голубой и красный. В устройство Game Boy Color встроен инфракрасный порт для взаимодействия двух систем на расстоянии. Система работает всего лишь на двух батарейках AA и совместима со всеми играми для оригинальной системы Game Boy. Для систем Game Boy и Game Boy Color уже вышло более 700 различных игр во всех существующих жанрах. Игры, разработанные специально для Game Boy Color, обладают более четкой и красочной графикой по сравнению с черно-белыми играми для Game Boy. Последние продолжатели славного дела Гейм Боев это GameBoy Advance и её модификация SP, отличающаяся только техническими характеристиками. Н данный момент это самые мощные карманные игровые приставки, совместимые со своими предшественниками. Имеют на борту 32-х битный процессор, экран 240х160, обладают полноценным цветным экраном и сотнями первоклассных игр. Информация взята с официального сайта Нинтендо в России CPU: Модифицированный Z80 Частота процессора: 4.194304 MГц (4.295454 MГц у SGB) RAM: 8 Кб Видео RAM: 8 Кб Экран: 2.6" Разрешение: 160x144 Цветов: 4 оттенка Спрайтов: 40 от 8х8 до 8х16 Звук: 4 канала стерео Питание: 4 АА батареи DC6V 0.7 (2 АААбатареи DC3V 0.7W - Game Boy Pocket) Размеры: 148 x 89 x 32 mm (124 x 76 x 23 mm Game Boy Pocket) Вес: 394 g (148 g Game Boy Pocket) Картриджи: от 256 Kbit - 4 Mbit
2nd Space (Sachen 4-in-1 Vol. 6) 3 Choume no Tama - Tama and Friends - 3 Choume Obake Panic!! 3-D Ultra Pinball - Thrillride 3D Pocket Pool 4-in-1 Funpak 4-in-1 Funpak Vol. II 007 - The World is Not Enough 8-in-1 10-Pin Bowling 58-in-1 72-in-1 102 Dalmatians - Puppies to the Rescue 720 Degrees 1942 1993 Collection 128-in-1 A-Force (Sachen 4-in-1 Vol. 6) Action Man - Search for Base X Addams Family, The Addams Family, The - Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt Adventure Island Adventure Island II Adventures of Lolo Adventures of Pinocchio, The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle, The Adventures of Star Saver, The Adventures of the Smurfs, The Aero Star After Burst Aguri Suzuki F-1 Super Driving Ah Harimanada AirForce Delta Akazukin Cha Cha Aladdin Alfred Chicken Alice in Wonderland Alien 3 Alien Olympics 2044 AD Aliens - Thanatos Encounter Alien vs Predator - The Last of His Clan All-Star Baseball '99 All-Star Baseball 2000 All-Star Baseball 2001 Alleyway All Star Tennis 2000 Alone in the Dark - The New Nightmare Altered Space Amazing Penguin Amazing Robot Amazing Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, The Amazing Spider-Man 3, The - Invasion of the Spider-Slayers Amazing Tater America Oudan Ultra Quiz America Oudan Ultra Quiz Part 2 America Oudan Ultra Quiz Part 3 America Oudan Ultra Quiz Part 4 Amida Animal Breeder Animal Breeder 2 Animal Breeder 3 Animal Breeder 4 Animaniacs Animastar GB Animorphs Another Bible Ant Soldiers Antz Antz Racing Antz World Sportz Aoki Densetsu Shoot! Aqualife Arctic Zone (Sachen 4-in-1 Vol. 5) Aretha Aretha II Aretha III Arle no Bouken - Mahou no Jewel Armada - FX Racers Armorines - Project S.W.A.R.M. Army Men Army Men - Air Combat Army Men - Sarge's Heroes 2 Army Men 2 Arthur's Absolutely Fun Day! Asterix Asterix & Obelix vs Caesar Asterix - Search for Dogmatix Asteroids Asteroids & Missile Command Astro Rabby Athena no Hatena Atlantis - The Lost Empire Atomic Punk Attack of the Killer Tomatoes ATV Racing ATV Racing & Karate Joe Austin Powers - Oh, Behave! Austin Powers - Welcome to My Underground Lair! Avenging Spirit Ayakashi no Shiro Azarashi Sentai Inazuma - Dokidoki Daisakusen! Azure Dreams B-Daman Bakugaiden - Victory heno Michi B-Daman Bakugaiden V - Final Mega Tune Babe and Friends Baby Felix - Halloween Backgammon Bad Badtz-Maru Robo Battle Bakenou TV '94 Bakenou V3 Bakuchou Retrieve Master Bakukyuu Renpatsu!! Super B-Daman - Gekitan! Rising Valkyre!! Bakuretsu Senshi Warrior Bakusou Dekotora Densetsu GB Special - Otoko Dokyou no Tenka Touitsu Bakuten Shoot Beyblade Ballistic Balloon Kid Banishing Racer Barbie - Fashion Pack Games Barbie - Game Girl Barbie - Magic Genie Adventure Barbie - Ocean Discovery Barbie - Pet Rescue Barcode Taisen Bardigun Baseball Bases Loaded Bass Masters Classic Batman Batman - Return of the Joker Batman - The Animated Series Batman Beyond - Return of the Joker Batman Forever Battle Arena Toshinden Battle Bull BattleCity Battle Crusher Battle Dodge Ball Battle Fishers Battle of Kingdom Battle of Olympus, The Battle Pingpong Battleship Battle Space Battle Tanx Battletoads Battletoads Double Dragon - The Ultimate Team Battletoads in Ragnarok's World Battle Unit Zeoth Battle Zone & Super Breakout Beach Volleyball Bear in the Big Blue House Beatmania GB Beatmania GB 2 Beatmania GB Gotcha Mix 2 Beauty and the Beast - A Board Game Adventure Beavis and Butt-head Beethoven's 2nd Beetlejuice Benjamin Bluemchen - Ein Verrueckter Tag im Zoo Berlitz French Language Translator Berlitz Spanish Language Translator Berutomo Kurabu Best of the Best - Championship Karate Beyblade - Tournament Fighting Bibi Blocksberg - Im Bann der Hexenkugel Bibi und Tina - Fohlen Felix in Gefahr Bikkuriman 2000 - Charging Card GB Bikkuri Nekketsu Shinkiroku! - Dokodemo Kin Medal Bill & Ted's Excellent Gameboy Adventure Bill Elliott's NASCAR Fast Tracks Billy Bob's Huntin' 'n' Fishin' Biohazard Gaiden Bionic Battler Bionic Commando Bionic Commando - Elite Forces Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R Black Bass - Lure Fishing Black Forest Tale (Sachen 4-in-1 Vol. 6) Black Onyx, The Blade Blades of Steel Blaster Master - Enemy Below Blaster Master Boy Block Kuzushi GB Blodia Blue's Clues - Blue's Alphabet Book Blues Brothers, The Blues Brothers, The - Jukebox Adventure Boarder Zone Bob et Bobette - Les Dompteurs du Temps Bob the Builder - Fix It Fun! Boggle Plus Bo Jackson Hit and Run Boku no Camp-jou Bomb Disposer (Sachen 4-in-1 Vol. 6) Bomberman Collection Bomberman GB Bomberman GB 3 Bomberman Max Bomberman Quest Bomberman Selection Bomb Jack Bonk's Adventure Bonk's Revenge Booby Boys Boomer's Adventure in ASMIK World Boomer's Adventure in ASMIK World 2 Bouken! Dondoko Shima Boulder Dash Boxxle Boxxle 2 Boy and His Blob, A - The Rescue of Princess Blobette Brainbender Brain Drain Bram Stoker's Dracula Brave Saga - Shinshou Astaria BreakThru! Bubble Bobble Bubble Bobble Part 2 Bubble Ghost Bubsy 2 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Bug's Life, A Bugs Bunny Bugs Bunny & Lola Bunny - Carrot Crazy Bugs Bunny - Crazy Castle 3 Bugs Bunny - Crazy Castle 4 Bugs Bunny - Crazy Castle II Bugs Bunny Collection Burger Burger Pocket Burger Paradise Burger Time Deluxe Burning Paper Bust-A-Move 2 - Arcade Edition Bust-A-Move 3 DX Bust-A-Move 4 Bust-A-Move Millennium Buster Brothers Buzz Lightyear of Star Command Ca Da Cadillac II Caesars Palace Caesars Palace II Cannon Fodder Capcom Quiz Captain America and the Avengers Captain Knick-Knack Captain Tsubasa Captain Tsubasa VS Cardcaptor Sakura - Itsumo Sakura-chan to Issho Cardcaptor Sakura - Tomoe Shougakkou Daiundoukai Card Game Card Sharks Carl Lewis Athletics 2000 Carmageddon Casino Funpak Casper Castelian Castle Quest Castlevania - Legends Castlevania Adventure, The Castlevania EMO Demo Castlevania II - Belmont's Revenge Caterpillar Construction Zone Catrap Catwoman Cave Noire Centipede Chachamaru Boukenki 3 - Abyss no Tou Chacha Maru Panic Challenger GB BIOS Chalvo 55 - Super Puzzle Action Championship Motocross 2001 featuring Ricky Carmichael Championship Pool Chase H.Q. Chase H.Q. - Secret Police Checkmate Chee-Chai Alien Chessmaster, The Chibi Maruko-chan - Go Chounai Minna de Game dayo! Chibi Maruko-chan - Maruko Deluxe Gekijou Chibi Maruko-chan - Okozukai Daisakusen Chibi Maruko-chan 2 - Deluxe Maruko World Chibi Maruko-chan 3 - Mezase! Game Taishou no Maki Chibi Maruko-chan 4 - Kore ga Nippon dayo! Ouji-sama Chicken Run Chiki Chiki Machine Mou Race Chiki Chiki Tengoku Chiki Race Chikyuu Kaihou Gun ZAS Chi to Ase to Namida no Koukou Yakyuu Choplifter II - Rescue & Survive Choplifter III Choro Q - Hyper Customable GB Chou Gals! Kotobuki Ran Chou Gals! Kotobuki Ran 2 - Miracle Getting Chuck Rock Chuugaku Eijukugo 350 Chuugaku Eitango 1700 Cliffhanger Colin McRae Rally Collection Pocket College Slam Columns GB - Tezuka Osamu Characters Commander Keen Command Master Conker's Pocket Tales Contra - The Alien Wars Cool Bricks Cool Spot Cool World Cosmo Tank Crayon Shin-Chan Crayon Shin-Chan 2 Crayon Shin-Chan 3 - Ora no Gokigen Athletic Crayon Shin-Chan 4 Crayon Shin-Chan 5 Crazy Burger Crazy Richman 2 Croc Croc 2 Cross Hunter Cruis'n Exotica Crystalis Crystal Quest Cubix - Robots For Everyone - Race 'N Robots Cult Jump Cult Master - Ultraman ni Miserarete Cutthroat Island Cyber Formula GPX Cyber Tiger Cyborg Kuro-chan - Devil Fukkatsu Cyborg Kuro-chan 2 - White Woods no Gyakushuu Cyraid Daa! Daa! Daa! - Totsuzen Card de Battle de Uranai Daedalean Opus Daffy Duck - Fowl Play Daffy Duck - The Marvin Missions Dai-2-Ji Super Robot Taisen G Daikaijuu Monogatari - The Miracle of the Zone II Daikatana Daiku no Gensan - Kachikachi no Tonkachi ga Kachi Daisenryaku Dance Dance Revolution GB Dance Dance Revolution GB - Disney Mix Dance Dance Revolution GB2 Dance Dance Revolution GB3 Dancing Furby Dan Laser Darkman Darkwing Duck Daruman Busters Das Geheimnis der Happy Hippo-Insel Data-Navi Pro Yakyuu Data-Navi Pro Yakyuu 2 Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX David Beckham Soccer Days of Thunder Dead Heat Scramble Dear Daniel no Sweet Adventure - Kitty-chan o Sagashite Deep - Final Mission Deer Hunter Defender-Joust Deja Vu I & II Dejiko no Mahjong Party Denki Blocks! Dennis the Menace Densha de Go! Densha de Go! 2 Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf Dexter's Laboratory - Robot Rampage Dexterity Diablo Dick Tracy Dig Dug Digimon 2 Digimon 2 (Jade) Digimon 3 Digimon 4 Digimon 5 #2 Dino's Quest Dino Breeder Dino Breeder 2 Dino Breeder 3 - Gaia Fukkatsu Dino Breeder 4 Dinosaur Dinosaur'us Dirty Racing Disney's Mulan Disney's Tarzan Diva Starz - Mall Mania Dodge Ball Dodge Boy Dodge Danpei Dokapon! - Millenium Quest DokiDoki Densetsu - Mahoujin Guruguru Doki X Doki Sasete Donald Duck - Goin' Quackers Donald Duck in Maui Mallard Donkey Kong Donkey Kong 5 Donkey Kong Country Donkey Kong Land Donkey Kong Land 2 Donkey Kong Land III Doraemon Doraemon - Aruke Aruke Labyrinth Doraemon - Kimi to Pet no Monogatari Doraemon 2 Doraemon DX 10 Doraemon Kart Doraemon Kart 2 Doraemon Memories - Nobita no Omoide Daibouken Doraemon no Quiz Boy Doraemon no Quiz Boy 2 Doraemon no Study Boy - Gakushuu Kanji Game Doraemon no Study Boy - Kanji Yomikaki Master Doraemon no Study Boy - Kuku Game Doraemon no Study Boy 1 - Shou 1 Kokugo Kanji Doraemon no Study Boy 2 - Shou 1 Sansuu Keisan Doraemon no Study Boy 3 - Ku Ku Master Doraemon no Study Boy 4 - Shou 2 Kokugo Kanji Doraemon no Study Boy 5 - Shou 2 Sansuu Keisan Doraemon no Study Boy 6 - Gakushuu Kanji Master 1006 Double Dragon Double Dragon 2 Double Dragon 3 Double Dribble - 5 on 5 Double Yakuman Double Yakuman 2 Double Yakuman Jr Doug's Big Game Dr. Franken Dr. Franken II Dr. Mario Dr. Rin ni Kiitemite! - Koi no Rin Fuusui Dracula - Crazy Vampire Dragon's Lair Dragon's Lair - The Legend Dragon Ball Z - Gokuu Gekitouden Dragon Ball Z - Gokuu Hishouden Dragon Ball Z - Legendary Super Warriors Dragon Dance Dragon Heart Dragonslayer Chapter - Surrounded Dragon Slayer Gaiden Dragon Slayer I Dragon Tales - Dragon Adventures Dragon Tales - Dragon Wings Dragon Warrior I & II Dragon Warrior III Dragon Warrior Monsters Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 Driver - You Are The Wheelman Dropzone DT - Lords of Genomes Duck Adventures (Sachen 4-in-1 Vol. 1) Duck Tales Duck Tales 2 Duke Nukem Dukes of Hazzard, The - Racing for Home Dungeonland Dungeon Savior DX Bakenou DX Bakenou Z DX Monopoly GB DynaMike E'Fighter HOT E.T. The Extra Terrestrial - Digital Companion E.T. The Extra Terrestrial - Escape from Planet Earth E.T. The Extra Terrestrial and the Cosmic Garden Earthworm Jim Earthworm Jim - Menace 2 the Galaxy ECW Hardcore Revolution Eijukugo Target 1000 Eitango Center 1500 Eitango Target 1900 Elevator Action Elie no Atelier GB Elite Soccer Elmo's 123s Elmo's ABCs Elmo in Grouchland Emperor's New Groove, The ESPN International Track & Field ESPN National Hockey Night Evel Knievel Exchanger Exodus Explosive Brick '94 Extra Bases! Extreme Ghostbusters Extreme Sports with The Berenstain Bears F-1 Pole Position F-1 Race F-1 Racing Championship F-1 World Grand Prix F-1 World Grand Prix II F-15 Strike Eagle F.A. Premier League Stars 2001, The F1 Championship Season 2000 Faceball 2000 Fairy Kitty no Kaiun Jiten - Yousei no Kuni no Uranai Shugyou Fairy Tale's Club Family Jockey Family Jockey 2 Famista 2 Famista 3 Fastest Lap Felix the Cat Ferrari - Grand Prix Challenge Ferret Monogatari Fidgetts, The FIFA 2000 FIFA International Soccer FIFA Soccer '96 FIFA Soccer '97 FIFA Soccer '98 - Road to the World Cup Fighting Simulator 2in1 - Flying Warriors Final Fantasy Adventure Final Fantasy Legend, The Final Fantasy Legend II Final Fantasy Legend III Final Fantasy X - Fantasy War Final Reverse Final Robot Fire Bird GB Cheat Code Card Fire Dragon Fire Fighter Fish Dude Fish Files, The Fist of the North Star Fix & Foxi - Episode 1 Lupo Flappy Special Flash, The Fleet Commander VS Flintstones, The Flintstones, The - Burgertime in Bedrock Flintstones, The - King Rock Treasure Island Flipper & Lopaka Flipull Football International Force 21 Foreman for Real Formula One 2000 Fort Boyard Fortified Zone Frank Thomas' Big Hurt Baseball FREME Tuner Frisky Tom Frogger Frogger 2 Frommer's Personal Organizer Frommer's Travel Guide From TV Animation One Piece - Maboroshi no Grand Line Boukenki! From TV Animation One Piece - Yume no Luffy Kaizokudan Tanjou! From TV Animation Slam Dunk - Gakeppuchi no Kesshou League From TV Animation Slam Dunk 2 - Zenkoku heno Tip Off Front Row Full Time Soccer Full Time Soccer & Hang Time Basketball Funk the 9 Ball Fushigi no Dungeon - Fuurai no Shiren GB Fushigi no Dungeon - Fuurai no Shiren GB2 - Sabaku no Majou G1 King - 3 Biki no Yosouya Gaiamaster Duel - Card Attackers Gakkyuu Ou Yamazaki Galaga & Galaxian Galaga - Destination Earth Gals Fighters Game & Watch Gallery Game & Watch Gallery 2 Game & Watch Gallery 3 Gameboy Camera Gameboy Color Promotional Demo Gameboy Gallery Gameboy Smart Card (CCL Copier) Gameboy Wars Gameboy Wars 2 Gameboy Wars 3 Gameboy Wars Turbo Game Conveni 21 Game Genie BIOS Game of Harmony, The Gamera - Daikai Jukuchuu Kessen Ganbare Goemon Ganbare Goemon - Hoshizorashi Dynamites Arawaru!! Ganbare Goemon - Mononoke Douchuu Tobisuise Nabebugyou! Ganbare Goemon - Tengutou no Gyakushuu Ganbaruga Gargoyle's Quest - Ghosts'n Goblins Gauntlet II GB Backup Station BIOS GB Gamejack GB Genjin Collection GB Genjin Land - Viva Chikkun Oukoku GB Harobots GBKiss Mini Games GB Pachislot Hissyouhou Jr. GB Sacker Gold Finger & Memory Card V1.1 Gear Works Gekisou Dangun Racer - Onsoku Buster Dangun Dan Gem Gem Genjin Cottu Gensan 2 Gensoumaden Saiyuuki - Sabaku no Shikami George Foreman's KO Boxing Getaway, The Get Mushi Club - Minna no Konchu Daizukan Gex - Enter the Gecko Gex 3 - Deep Cover Gecko Ghostbusters II Ghosts 'N Goblins Gift Ginga Go! Go! Tank Goal! Gobs of Games God Medicine God Medicine - Hukkoku Han Godzilla Godzilla - The Series Go Go Ackman Go Go Hitchike Gojira Gold and Glory - The Road to El Dorado Golf Golf Daisuki! Golf Ou Gonta no Okiraku Daibouken Goraku Ou Tango! Goukaku Boy Series - Gakken - Yojijukugo 288 Goukaku Boy Series - Shikakui Atama wo Marukusuru - Kanji no Tatsujin Goukaku Boy Series - Shikakui Atama wo Marukusuru - Keisan no Tatsujin Goukaku Boy Series - Shikakui Atama wo Marukusuru - Zukei no Tatsujin GPSboy Gradius - The Interstellar Assault Grandia - Parallel Trippers Grand Prix Grand Theft Auto Grand Theft Auto 2 Gran Duel - Shinki Dungeon no Hihou Great Battle Pocket, The Great Greed Gremlins 2 - The New Batch Gremlins Unleashed Grinch, The Gurander Musashi RV Guruguru Garakutas Guruguru Town Hanamaru-kun Gute Zeiten Schlechte Zeiten Quiz Gyouten Ningen Batseelor - Doctor Guy no Yabou Halloween Racer Hal Wrestling Hammerin' Harry - Ghost Building Company Hamster Club Hamster Club - Awasete Chuu Hamster Club - Oshiema Chuu Hamster Club 2 Hamster Monogatari GB + Magi Ham Mahou no Shoujo Hamster Paradise Hamster Paradise 2 Hamster Paradise 3 Hamster Paradise 4 Hamtaro - Ham-Hams Unite! Hanasaka Tenshi Tenten-kun no Beat Breaker Hana Yori Dango - Another Love Story Hands of Time Hang Time Basketball Harley-Davidson - Race Across America Harry Potter Harry Potter 3 Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone Harvest Moon 2 GBC Harvest Moon 3 GBC Harvest Moon GB Hatris Hayaosi Kuizu - The King of Quiz Heavyweight Championship Boxing Heiankyo Alien Hello Kitty & Dear Daniel no Sweet Adventure Hello Kitty's Cube Frenzy Hello Kitty no Beads Koubou Hello Kitty no Happy House Hello Kitty no Magical Museum Hello Kitty to Dear Daniel no Dream Adventure Hercules Hercules - The Legendary Journeys Hercules Eikou Heroes of Might and Magic Heroes of Might and Magic II Hero Hero Kun Heroic Sword Hero Shuugou!! Pinball Party Hexcite - The Shapes of Victory Higashio Osamu Kanshuu Pro Yakyuu Stadium '91 Higashio Osamu Kanshuu Pro Yakyuu Stadium '92 High Stakes Gambling Hinsyutu Eibunpo Hiryuu no Ken Retsuden GB Hisshatsu Pachinko Boy - CR Monster House Hitoride Dekirumon - Cooking Densetsu Hit the Ice Hole in One Golf Hollywood Pinball Home Alone Home Alone 2 Hong Kong Honkaku Hanafuda GB Honkaku Shougi - Shougi Ou Honkaku Taisen Shougi Ayumu Honkaku Yonin Uchi Mahjong - Mahjong Ou Honmei Boy Hon Shougi Hook Hot Wheels - Stunt Track Driver Houghton Mifflin Spell Checker and Calculator Hoyle Card Games Hoyle Casino Hudson Hawk Hugo - Black Diamond Fever Hugo - The Evil Mirror Hugo 2 Hugo 2.5 Humans, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The - Topsy Turvy Games Hunter X Hunter - Hunter no Keifu Hunter X Hunter - Kindan no Hihou Hunt for Red October, The Hype - The Time Quest Hyper Lode Runner Ice Age Ice Age II Ide Yosuke no Mahjong Kyoushitsu GB Ikari no Yousai 2 Incredible Crash Dummies, The Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Infocolor PDA InfoGenius Systems - Personal Organizer Initial D Gaiden Inspector Gadget - Operation Madkactus International Karate International Rally International Superstar Soccer International Superstar Soccer '99 International Superstar Soccer 2000 International Track & Field In Your Face Iron League Ironman - X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal Ishido Itchy & Scratchy - Miniature Golf Madness Itsudemo Nyanto Wonderful Itsudemo Pachinko GB - CR Monster House J.League Big Wave Soccer J.League Excite Stage GB J.League Excite Stage Tactics J.League Fighting Soccer J.League Live '95 J.League Supporter Soccer J.League Winning Goal Jack Nicklaus Golf Jagainu-kun James Bond 007 Jankenman Jankyuusei - Cosplay Paradise Janosch - Das grosse Panama-Spiel Janshirou Janshirou 2 Jantaku Boy Jay und Die Spielzeugdiebe Jeep Jamboree Jeff Gordon XS Racing Jelly Boy Jeopardy! Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 Jet de Go! - Let's go by Airliner Jetsons, The Jida Igeki Jikuu Senki Mu Jimmy Connors Tennis Jimmy White's Cueball Jinsei Jinsei Game Jinsei Game - Tomedachi Takusan Tsukurouyo! Jinsei Game DX Jisedai Begoma Battle Beyblade Jissen Mahjong Kyoshitsu Jissen ni Yakudatsu Tsumego Joe & Mac Jordan vs Bird - One-on-One Joryuu Janshi ni Chousen GB - Watashitachi ni Chousen Shitene Joshua Joust & Defender Judge Dredd JumpStart Dino Adventure - Field Trip Jungle Book, The Jungle Book, The - Mowgli's Wild Adventure Jungle Strike Jungle Wars Jurassic Boy 2 Jurassic Park Jurassic Park 2 - The Chaos Continues Juukou Senki Bullet Battlers K.O. - The Pro Boxing K1025 2-in-1 Zelda Ages+Seasons Kachiu Mayoso Keiba Kizoku Ex '94 Kachiu Mayoso Keiba Kizoku Ex '95 Kaept'n Blaubaer - Die verrueckte Schatzsuche Kaeruno Tameni Kaguyahime Kaijin Zona Kaitei Densetsu!! Treasure World Kakutou Ryouri Densetsu Bistro Recipe Kandume Monsters Kandume Monsters Parfait Kanji Boy Kanji Boy 2 Kanji Boy 3 Kanji de Puzzle Kanjiro Kanyoku Kotowaza 210 Karamuchou wa Oosawagi! - Okawari! Karamuchou wa Oosawagi! - Porinkiis to Okashina Nakamatachi Karamucho Ziken Karan Koron Gakuen - Hanafuda Mahjong Kaseki Reborn Kaseki Sousei Reborn II - Monster Digger Katou Ichi-Ni-San Kudan - Shougi Kyoushitsu Kattobi Road Kawaii Pet Shop Monogatari Kawaii Pet Shop Monogatari 2 Keep the Balance Keibajou he Ikou! Wide Keiba Kizoku Keitai Denjuu Telefang Keitai Keiba 8 Special Kelly Club - Clubhouse Fun Ken Griffey Jr.'s Slugfest Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball Kesamaru Kettou Beast Wars - Beast Senshi Saikyou Ketteisen Kichi Da Quiz Da Gensan Da! Kid Dracula Kid Icarus - Of Myths and Monsters Kid Niki Kidou Senkan Nadesico - Ruri Ruri Mahjong Kikansha Thomas - Sodor-tou no Nakamatachi Killer Instinct Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo - 10nenme no Shoutaijou Kingdom Crusade King James Bible King of Fighters '95, The King of Fighters, The - Heat of Battle King of Fighters R-2 Kingyo Chuuihou! 2 Kinniku Banzuke GB - Chousensha wa Kimida! Kinniku Banzuke GB2 - Mezase! Muscle Champion Kinniku Banzuke GB3 - Shinseiki Survival Retsuden! Kinnikuman DM Kirby's Block Ball Kirby's Dream Land Kirby's Dream Land 2 Kirby's Pinball Land Kirby's Star Stacker Kirby's Tilt 'n' Tumble Kirikou Kisekae Series 2 - Oshare Nikki Kisekae Series 3 - Kisekae Hamster Kitarou Kitchin Panic Kiteretu Zyuraki Klax Klustar Knight Quest Knockout Kings Koguru Guruguru - Guruguru to Nakayoshi Koi Wa Kakehiki Kokiatsu Boy Konami Collection 3 Konami GB Collection Vol.1 Konami GB Collection Vol.2 Konami GB Collection Vol.3 Konami GB Collection Vol.4 Konchuu Fighters Konchuu Hakase Konchuu Hakase 2 Konchuu Hakase 3 Korodice Koto Battle - Tengai no Morihito Koukou Nyuushi Deru Jun - Kanji Mondai no Seifuku Koukou Nyuushi Rika - Anki Point 250 Koushien Pocket Kumano Putaru Kung-Fu Master Kuusou Kagaku Sekai Gulliver Boy - Kuusou Kagaku Puzzle Purittopon!! Kwirk Lamborghini American Challenge Land Before Time, The Last Action Hero Las Vegas Cool Hand Laura Lawnmower Man, The Lazlos' Leap Legend Legend of Heroes Legend of the River King 2 Legend of the River King GB Legend of Zelda, The - Link's Awakening Legend of Zelda, The - Oracles LEGO Alpha Team LEGO Island 2 - The Brickster's Revenge LEGO Racers LEGO Stunt Rally Lei Nu Ji Shen Lemmings Lemmings & Oh No! More Lemmings Lemmings 2 - The Tribes Les Aventures De TinTin - Le Temple du Soleil Lethal Weapon Lil' Monster Lingo Lion King, The Lion King, The - Simba's Mighty Adventure Litti's Summer Sports Little Indian in Big City Little Magic Little Master Little Master 2 Little Mermaid, The Little Mermaid II, The - Pinball Frenzy Little Nicky Lock 'N Chase Lode Runner - Domudomu Dan no Yabou Lodoss Tou Senki - Eiyuu Kishiden GB Logical Looney Tunes Looney Tunes Collector - Alert! Looney Tunes Racing Loopz Loppi Puzzle Magazine - Hirameku 2 Loppi Puzzle Magazine - Hirameku Puzzle Dai-2-Gou Loppi Puzzle Magazine - Hirameku Puzzle Dai-3-Gou Loppi Puzzle Magazine - Hirameku Puzzle Soukangou Loppi Puzzle Magazine - Kangaeru Puzzle Dai-2-Gou Loppi Puzzle Magazine - Kangaeru Puzzle Dai-3-Gou Loppi Puzzle Magazine - Kangaeru Puzzle Soukangou Lost World, The - Jurassic Park Love Hina Party Love Hina Pocket Luca no Puzzle de Daibouken! Lucky Luke Lucky Luke - Desperado Train Lucle Lufia - The Legend Returns Lunar Lander M&M's Minis Madness Mach Go Go Go Macross 7 - Ginga no Heart o Furuwasero!! Madden '95 Madden '96 Madden '97 Madden NFL 2000 Madden NFL 2001 Madden NFL 2002 Magical Chase GB Magical Drop Magical Talulutokun - Raiba Zone Panic Magical Tetris Challenge Magical Tower (Sachen 4-in-1 Vol. 5) Magic Ball Magic Maze Magic Monkey Magi Nation Magnetic Soccer Mahjong Joou Mahjong Quest Mahoujin Guru Guru Mahou Kishi Rayearth Mahou Kishi Rayearth 2nd - The Missing Colors Majokko Mari-chan no Kisekae Monogatari Makaimura Gaiden Malibu Beach Volleyball Mani 4-in-1 Marble Madness Marie no Atelier GB Mario's Picross Mario's Picross 2 Mario Family Mario Golf Mario Tennis Mark of the Wolfs Mark of the Wolves Marmalade Boy Maru's Mission Marvin Strikes Back! Mary-Kate & Ashley - Crush Course Mary-Kate & Ashley - Get a Clue! Mary-Kate & Ashley - Pocket Planner Mary-Kate & Ashley - Winners Circle Masakari Densetsu Kintarou ACG Masakari Densetsu Kintarou RPG Hen Mask of Zorro, The Maskrider SD Master Karateka Matchbox - Emergency Patrol Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX Maus, Die Maus, Die - Verrueckte Olympiade Max Maya the Bee & Her Friends Maya the Bee - Garden Adventures Mazekko Monster Mazekko Monster 2 McDonalds Monogatari Me-Mail Bear no Happy Mail Town - Super Me-Mail GB Medarot Medarot 2 Medarot 3 Medarot 4 Medarot 5 Medarot Cardrobottle Megalit Megaman - Dr. Wily's Revenge Megaman II Megaman III Megaman IV Megaman V Megaman Xtreme Megaman Xtreme 2 MegaMemory Megami Tensei Gaiden - Last Bible II Meitantei Conan Meitantei Conan - Karakuri Jiin Satsujin Jiken Meitantei Conan - Kigantou Hihou Densetsu Meitantei Conan - Norowareta Kouro Meitantei Conan 2 Meng Huan Zhi Xing (Phantasy Star) Men In Black - The Series Men In Black 2 - The Series Mercenary Force Merlin Metal Gear Solid Metal Jack Metal Masters Metal Slug Metal Slug 2001 Metal Walker Metamode Metroid II - Return of Samus Mia Hamm Soccer Shootout Mickey's Dangerous Chase Mickey's Racing Adventure Mickey's Speedway USA Mickey's Ultimate Challenge Mickey Mouse - Magic Wand Mickey Mouse - Tokyo Disneyland Micro Machines Micro Machines 1 and 2 - Twin Turbo Micro Machines 2 Micro Machines V3 Micro Maniacs Microsoft Entertainment Pack Microsoft Pinball Arcade Microsoft Puzzle Collection Midori no Makibaoo Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie Mikeneko Holmes Millenium Winter Sports Millipede - Centipede Milon's Secret Castle Miner 2049er Minesweeper Mini 4 Boy Mini 4 Boy II - Final Evolution Mini Putt Minna no Shougi - Shokyuu Hen Minnie & Friends - Yume no Kuni wo Sagashite Miracle Adventure of Esparks Missile Command Mission Impossible Mi Tu De Lu (Puzzle Path) Mobile Golf Mobile Police Patlabor Mobile Trainer Mogu Mogu Gombo Mogu Mogu Q Mogura De Pon! Mole Mania Momotarou Collection Momotarou Collection 2 Momotarou Dengeki Momotarou Dengeki 2 Momotarou Densetsu 1-2 Momotarou Densetsu Gaiden Momotetsu Jr. Monkey Puncher Monopoly Monster Maker Monster Maker - Barcode Saga Monster Maker 2 Monster Max Monster Race Monster Race 2 Monster Race Other Monster Rancher Battle Card GB Monster Rancher Explorer Monsters, Inc. Monster Tactics Monster Traveler Monster Truck Monster Truck Wars Montezuma's Return Moomin's Tale Moon Patrol & Spy Hunter Moorhen 3 - The Chicken Chase! Moorhuhn 2 - Die Jagd geht weiter Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat 3 Mortal Kombat 4 Mortal Kombat I & II Mortal Kombat II Mo Shou Zheng Ba 3 - Hun Luan Zhi Jie (Warcraft 3) Motocross Maniacs Motocross Maniacs 2 Mousetrap Hotel Mr. Chin's Gourmet Paradise Mr. Do! Mr. Driller Mr. Gono no Baken Tekichu Jyutsu Mr Nutz Ms. Pac-Man Ms. Pac-Man Special Color Edition MTV Sports - Pure Ride MTV Sports - Skateboarding featuring Andy MacDonald MTV Sports - T.J. Lavin's Ultimate BMX Muhammad Ali's Boxing Mummy, The Mummy Returns, The Muppets, The Musashi Road Muteki Ou Tri-Zenon Mysterium Mystical Ninja Nada Asatarou no Powerful Mahjong - Tsugi no Itte 100 Dai Nail'N Scale Nakajima Satoru - F-1 Hero '91 Nakayoshi Cooking Series 1 - Oishii Cake Okusan Nakayoshi Cooking Series 2 - Oishii Panya-San Nakayoshi Cooking Series 3 - Tanoshii Obentou Nakayoshi Cooking Series 4 - Tanoshii Dessert Nakayoshi Cooking Series 5 - Tanoshii Cake Nakayoshi Pet Series 1 - Kawaii Hamster Nakayoshi Pet Series 2 - Kawaii Usagi Nakayoshi Pet Series 3 - Kawaii Koinu Nakayoshi Pet Series 4 - Kawaii Koneko Nakayoshi Pet Series 5 - Kawaii Hamster 2 Namco Classics Namco Gallery Vol.1 Namco Gallery Vol.2 Namco Gallery Vol.3 NanoLoop Music Generator Nanonote NASCAR 2000 NASCAR Challenge NASCAR Heat NASCAR Racers Nations, The - Land of Legends Navy Blue 90 Navy Blue 98 Navy Seals NBA 3 on 3 featuring Kobe Bryant NBA All Star Challenge NBA All Star Challenge 2 NBA Hoopz NBA In The Zone NBA In The Zone 2000 NBA Jam NBA Jam '99 NBA Jam - Tournament Edition NBA Jam 2001 NBA Live 96 NBA Showtime - NBA on NBC Nectaris GB Nekojara Nemesis NES Conversions Net de Gate - Minigame @ 100 Nettou Garou 2 Nettou King of Fighters '96 Nettou King of Fighters '97 Nettou Toushinden Network Boukenki Bug Site New Addams Family Series, The New Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley, The New Batman Adventures, The - Chaos in Gotham New Chessmaster, The New SD Gundam NFL Blitz NFL Blitz 2000 NFL Blitz 2001 NFL Football NFL Quarterback Club NFL Quarterback Club 2 NFL Quarterback Club 96 NHL 2000 NHL Blades of Steel NHL Blades of Steel 2000 NHL Hockey '95 NHL Hockey '96 Nichibutsu Mahjong - Yoshimoto Gekijou Nicktoons Racing Nigel Mansell's World Championship '92 Nihon Daiyou Soccer Nihonshi Target 201 Ninja Boy Ninja Boy 2 Ninja Gaiden Shadow Ninja Spirit Ninja Taro Ninku Ninku Dai 2 - Ninku Sensou Hen Nintama Eawase Nintama Rantarou - Ninjutsu Gakuen ni Nyuugakushou no Dan Nintendo Power Menu Program Nintendo World Cup Nisemon Puzzle da Mon! - Feromon Kyuushutsu Daisakusen! NIV Bible Nobunaga's Ambition Nobunaga no Yabou - GameBoy Ban 2 Noddy and the Birthday Party No Fear - Downhill Mountain Biking Nontan to Issho - Kurukuru Puzzle Noobow NSYNC - Get to the Show Nushi Tsuri Adventure - Kite no Bouken NYR - New York Race O'Leary Manager 2000 Obelix Oddworld Adventures Oddworld Adventures II Ohasuta Dance Dance Revolution GB Ohasuta Yamachan & Raymond Oide Rascal Ojarumaru - Mitsunegai Jinja no Ennichi de Ojaru! Ojarumaru - Tsukiyo ga Ike no Takaramono Olympic Summer Games Oni Oni 2 - Innin Densetsu Oni 3 - Kuro no Hakaishin Oni 4 - Kishin no Ketsuzoku Oni 5 - Innin o Tsugumono Onigashima Pachinko Ten On the Tiles - Franky, Joe & Dirk Operation C Original Moorhuhn Jagd, Die Othello Othello Millennium Othello World Otogi Banasi Tai Otoko Jyuku Ottifanten - Kommando Stoertebeker Otto's Ottifanten Ou Dorobou Jing Out of Gas Out to Lunch Owarai Yowiko no Game-dou - Oyaji Sagashite Sanchoume Pac-Attack Pac-in-Time Pac-Man Pac-Man Special Color Edition Pachi-Slot Hisshou Guide GB Pachi-Slot Kids Pachi-Slot Kids 2 Pachi-Slot Kids 3 Pachi-Slot World Cup '94 Pachinko CR Daiku no Gen San GB Pachinko CR Mouretsu Genshijin T Pachinko Data Card - Chou Ataru Kun Pachinko Gaiden Pachinko Hisshou Guide - Data no Ousama Pachinko Saiyuuki Pachinko Time Pachio Kun Pachio Kun - Game Gallery Pachio Kun - Puzzle Castle Pachio Kun 2 Pachio Kun 3 Pachi Pachi Pachi-Slot - New Pulsar Hen Pagemaster, The Painter Painter Momo Pie Palamedes Panel Action Bingo Paperboy Paperboy 2 Papuwakunn Papyrus Parasol Stars Parasoru Hembei Parodius Peetan Pen Anime Sample 1 Penguin Land Penguin Wars Penta Dragon Perfect Choro Q Perfect Dark PGA European Tour PGA Tour '96 Pia Carrot he Youkoso!! 2.2 Pinball - Revenge of the Gator Pinball Deluxe Pinball Dreams Pinball Fantasies Pinball Mania Pingu - Sekai de 1ban Genki na Penguin Pinocchio Pipe Dream Pitfall - Beyond the Jungle Pit Fighter Planet of the Apes Play Action Football Player Manager 2001 Pocahontas Pocket Bass Fishing Pocket Battle Pocket Bomberman Pocket Bowling Pocket Color Billiard Pocket Color Trump Pocket Cooking Pocket Densha Pocket Densha 2 Pocket Family Pocket Family GB2 Pocket GI Stable Pocket Golf Pocket GT 2005 Pocket Hanafuda Pocket Jockey Pocket King Pocket Kyoro-chan Pocket Love Pocket Love 2 Pocket Lure Boy Pocket Mahjong Pocket Music Pocket no Naka no Oukoku Pocket Pro Wrestling - Perfect Wrestler Pocket Pro Yakyuu Pocket Puyo Puyo 2 Tsuu Pocket Puyo Puyo 4 Pocket Puyo Sun Pocket Racing Pocket Shougi Pocket Smash Out Pocket Smash Out & Race Time Pocket Soccer Pocket Sonar Pocket Stadium Pocket Voice Pokemon - Blue Version Pokemon - Crystal Version Pokemon - Gold Version Pokemon - Green Version Pokemon - Red Version Pokemon - Silver Version Pokemon - Yellow Version Pokemon 2004 Pokemon Adventure Pokemon Card GB2 - GR Dan Sanjou! Pokemon Islas Naranja by BG and Neo Pokemon Orange V2.0d Pokemon Pinball Pokemon Puzzle Challenge Pokemon Red-Blue 2-in-1 Pokemon Trading Card Game Pokonyan! - Yume no Daibouken Polaris SnoCross Pong - The Next Level Ponta to Hinako no Chindouchuu - Yuutou Hen Pooh and Tigger's Hunny Safari Pop'n Music GB Pop 'N TwinBee Popeye Popeye 2 Populous Pop Up Portal Runner Power Mission Power Pro GB Power Pro Kun Pocket Power Pro Kun Pocket 2 Powerpuff Girls, The - Bad Mojo Jojo Powerpuff Girls, The - Battle Him Powerpuff Girls, The - Paint the Townsville Green Power Quest Power Racer Power Rangers - Lightspeed Rescue Power Rangers - Time Force Power Spike - Pro Beach Volleyball Poyon no Dungeon Room Poyon no Dungeon Room 2 Prehistorik Man Primal Rage Prince Naseem Boxing Prince of Persia Prince YehRude Pri Pri - Primitive Princess! Pro Action Replay Pro Darts Project S-11 Pro Mahjong Kiwame GB Pro Mahjong Kiwame GB II Pro Mahjong Tsuwamono GB Pro Mahjong Tsuwamono GB2 Prophecy - The Viking Child Pro Pool Public Domain Public Domain (Books) Public Domain (GBS Player) Public Domain (Infocom Games) Public Domain (Siudym) Puchi Carat Pumuckl's Abenteuer bei den Piraten Pumuckl's Abenteuer im Geisterschloss Punisher, The - The Ultimate Payback Purikura Pocket - Fukanzen Joshikousei Manual Purikura Pocket 2 - Kareshi Kaizou Daisakusen Purikura Pocket 3 - Talent Debut Daisakusen Puyo Puyo Puyo Puyo Gaiden - Puyo Wars Puzzled Puzzle de Shoubuyo! Wootama-chan Puzzle Master Puzzle Nintama Rantarou Puzznic Pyramids of Ra Q-bert Q-bert II Q Billion Qix Qix Adventure Quarth Quest - Fantasy Challenge Quest for Camelot Quest RPG - Brian's Journey Qui Qui Quiz Sekai wa Show by Shoubai!! R-Type R-Type DX R-Type II Race Days (Dirty Racing & 4 Wheel Drive) Race Drivin' Race Time Racing Mini 4WD Racing Mini 4WD - Let's Go!! MAX Racing Tamashii Radar Mission Radikal Bikers Raging Fighter Railway (Sachen 4-in-1 Vol. 5) Rainbow Islands Rainbow Prince Raku x Raku - Mishin Rampage - World Tour Rampage 2 - Universal Tour Rampart Ranma Nibun no Ichi Ranma Nibun no Ichi - Kakugeki!! Ranma Nibun no Ichi - Part 2 Rats! Ray-Thunder Rayman Rayman 2 - The Great Escape Razor Freestyle Scooter Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Real Bout Special Real Ghostbusters, The Real Pro Yakyuu! Rekishi Masters 512 Rekishi Nendai Anki Point 240 Ren & Stimpy Show, The - Space Cadet Adventures Ren & Stimpy Show, The - Veediots! Renju Club Rentaiou Rescue Heroes - Fire Frenzy Resident Evil Gaiden Return of the Ninja Revelations - The Demon Slayer Rhino Rumble Riddick Bowe Boxing Ring Rage Rip-Tide Racer Road Champs - BXS Stunt Biking Road Rash Roadster Roadsters '98 Roadsters Trophy Robin Hood Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves Robocop Robocop 2 Robocop Interactive Game RoboCop Vs. The Terminator Robocopy Robopon Robot Wars - Metal Mayhem Rock'n Monster!! Rocket Power - Gettin' Air Rockman 8 Rockman DX3 Rockman X4 (Megaman X4) Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter Rodland Roger Clemens MVP Baseball Rokumon Tengai Mon-Colle-Knight GB Rolan's Curse Rolan's Curse II Roland Garros French Open Ronaldo V.Soccer Roswell Conspiracies - Aliens, Myths & Legends Rox RPG Tsukuru GB Rugrats - Time Travelers Rugrats - Totally Angelica Rugrats in Paris - The Movie Rugrats Movie, The Sabrina - The Animated Series - Spooked! Sabrina - The Animated Series - Zapped! Sagaia Saishuu Gensou Sakata Gorou Kudan no Renju Kyoushitsu Sakura Taisen GB - Geki Hana Kumi Nyuutai! Sakura Tasien GB2 - Thunder Volt Sakusen Same Game Samurai Kid Samurai Shodown San Francisco Rush 2049 San Goku Shi - Act C San Goku Shi - GameBoy Ban San Goku Shi - GameBoy Ban 2 Sangokushi - GameBoy Han Sanrio Carnival Sanrio Carnival 2 Sanrio Timenet Sanrio Uranai Party Santa Claus Junior School Fighter Scooby-Doo! - Classic Creep Capers Scotland Yard Scrabble SD Command Gundam - G-Arms SD Gundam Gaiden - Lacroan' Heroes SD Gundam SD Sengokuden - Kunitori Monogatari SD Gundam SD Sengokuden 2 - Tenka Touitsu Hen SD Gundam SD Sengokuden 3 - Chijou Saikyou Hen SD Hiryuu no Ken EX SD Hiryuu no Ken Gaiden SD Hiryuu no Ken Gaiden 2 SD Lupin III - Kinko Yaburi Daisakusen SD Saint Seiya Paradise - Saikyou no Senshitachi Sea Battle SeaQuest DSV Sei Hai Densetsu Selection I & II Seme COM Dungeon - Drururuaga Senkai Ibonroku Juntei Taisen - TV Animation Senkaiden Houshin Engi Yori Sensible Soccer Sensible Soccer - European Champions Serpent Sesame Street Sports Sgt. Rock - On The Front Line Shadowgate Classic Shaman King Chou Senjiryakketsu Shamus Shanghai Shanghai Pocket Shantae Shaq Fu SHARK MX Shaun Palmer's Pro Snowboarder Shawu Story Sheng Huo Jiang Mo Lu Wai Chuan Shigeru Mizuki's Shin Youkaiden Shikakui Atama o Maruku Suru Shikakui Atama o Maruku Suru - Joushiki no Shou Shikakui Atama o Maruku Suru - Nanmon no Shou Shikakui Atama o Maruku Suru - Rika Battle Hen Shikakui Atama o Maruku Suru - Sansu Battle Shikakui Atama o Maruku Suru - Shakai Battle Shikinjou Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children Shin Megami Tensei Trading Card - Card Summoner Shin Nihon Pro Wrestling Tokon Sanjushi Shinri Game, The Shinri Game 2, The - Daihan Hen Shin San Guo Shi 2 Shinseiki Evangelion - Mahjong Hokan Keikaku Shisenshou - Match-Mania Shonen Ashibe - Yuuenchi Panic Shoubushi Densetsu Tetsuya - Shinjuku Tenun hen Shougi Shougi 2 Shougi 3 Shougi Saikyou Shou Hyper Fish Shrek - Fairy Tale Freakdown Shutokou Racing, The Shuyaku Sentai Irem Fighter Side Pocket Sika Kokugo Simpsons, The - Bart & the Beanstalk Simpsons, The - Bart vs the Juggernauts Simpsons, The - Escape from Camp Deadly Simpsons, The - Krusty's Fun House Simpsons, The - Night of the Living Treehouse of Horror Skate or Die - Bad 'N Rad Skate or Die - Tour de Thrash Sky Ace (Sachen 4-in-1 Vol. 7) Sky Dragon Small Soldiers Smurfs, The Smurfs 2, The Smurfs 3, The Sneaky Snakes Snoopy - Magic Show Snoopy no Hajimete no Otsukai Snoopy Tennis Snowboard Champion Snow Bros. Jr. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Soccer Manager Soccer Mania SolarStriker Soldam Solitaire Funpak Solomon's Club Sonic 3D Blast 5 Sonic 7 Sonic Adventure 8 Soreike! Anpanman - 5tsu no Tou no Ousama Soreike! Anpanman - Fushigi na Nikoniko Album Soukoban Densetsu - Hikari to Yami no Kuni Soul Falchion Soul Getter - Houkago Bouken RPG Space-Net Space Invaders [C] Space Invaders [S] Space Invasion & Karate Joe Space Marauder Spacestation Silicon Valley Spanky's Quest Spawn Speedball 2 - Brutal Deluxe Speedy Gonzales Speedy Gonzales - Aztec Adventure Spider-Man Spider-Man 2 - The Sinister Six Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge Spirit of F-1, The Spiritual Warfare Spirou Spirou - La Panique Mecanique Splitz SpongeBob SquarePants - Legend of the Lost Spatula Sports Collection Sports Illustrated - Football & Baseball Sports Illustrated - Golf Classic Sports Illustrated for Kids - The Ultimate Triple Dare! Spot Spot - The Cool Adventure Spud's Adventure Spy vs. Spy Spy vs. Spy - Operation Boobytrap Square Deal - The Game of Two Dimensional Poker SS Spinner - Yo for it Stargate Star Hawk Star Ocean - Blue Sphere Star Sweep Star Trek - 25th Anniversary Star Trek - Generations - Beyond the Nexus Star Trek - The Next Generation Star Wars Star Wars - Super Return of the Jedi Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back Star Wars Episode I - Obi-Wan's Adventures Star Wars Episode I - Racer Stone Age Stop That Roach! Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams Street Fighter II Street Racer Street Rider (Sachen 4-in-1 Vol. 1) Stuart Little - The Journey Home Sumo Fighter Super 105-in-1 Super Ayanami Discovery SlideShow Super B-Daman - Fighting Phoenix Super Battletank Super Bikkuriman - Densetsu no Sekiban Super Black Bass Super Black Bass - Real Fight Super Black Bass Pocket 2 Super Breakout! Super Chase H.Q. Super Chinese Fighter EX Super Chinese Fighter GB Super Chinese Land 1.2.3.Dash Super Chinese Land 3 Super Chinese Land 3 Dash Super Color-Advance 46-in-1 - All USA Version Supercross Freestyle Super Doll Licca-chan - Kisekae Daisakusen Super Donkey Kong 5 Super Fighters '99 Super Hunchback Super James Pond Super Kick Off Superman Super Mario Bros. Deluxe Super Mario Land Super Mario Land 2 - 6 Golden Coins Super Mario Special 3 Super Momotarou Dentetsu Super Momotarou Dentetsu II Super Off Road Super Pachinko Taisen Super R.C. Pro-Am Super Real Fishing Super Robot Pinball Super Robot Taisen Super Robot Taisen - Link Battler Super Robot Taisen Final Vol.1 Super Scrabble Super SLG Super Street Basketball Super Street Basketball 2 Supreme 105-in-1 (Menu) Survival Kids Survival Kids 2 - Dasshutsu!! Futago Shima! Suzuki Alstare Extreme Racing Swamp Thing Sweet Ange Swing SWIV Sword of Hope, The Sword of Hope II, The Sword of Su Zi, The - Trial Version Sylvanian Families - Otogi no Kuni no Pendant Sylvanian Families 2 - Irozuku Mori no Fantasy Sylvanian Families 3 - Hoshi Furu Yoru no Sunadokei Sylvanian Melody - Mori no Nakama to Odori Mashi! Sylvester and Tweety T2 - The Arcade Game Taachiyan Tabaluga Taikyoku Renju Tail Gator Taisen Tsume Shougi Taito Variety Pack Taiyou no Tenshi Marlowe - Ohanabatake wa Dai-Panic Taiyou no Yuusha - Firebird GB Tales of Phantasia - Narikiri Dungeon Tale Spin Tamagotchi Tamagotchi 2 Tamagotchi 3 Tanimura Hitoshi Ryuu Pachinko Kouryaku Daisakusen - Don Quijote ga Iku Taruru-To 2 Tarzan Tasmania Story Tatsujin Techou Taxi 2 Taxi 3 Taz-Mania Taz-Mania 2 Tazmanian Devil - Munching Madness TDL Fantasy Tour Tech Deck Skateboarding Tecmo Bowl Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Back From the Sewers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Fall of the Foot Clan Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III - Radical Rescue Tekichuu Rush Tekkyu Fight! - The Great Battle Gaiden Tenchi o Kurau Tenjin Kaisen 2 Tennis Tensai Bakabon Terminator 2 - Judgment Day Tesserae Test Drive 6 Test Drive 2001 Test Drive Cycles Test Drive Le Mans Test Drive Off-Road 3 Tetris Tetris 2 Tetris Attack Tetris Blast Tetris DX Tetris Plus Three Lions Thunderbirds Thunder Blast Man Tiger A Dragon Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000 Tintin in Tibet Tiny One Gameboy Tiny Toon Adventures - Babs' Big Break Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster Saves the Day Tiny Toon Adventures - Dizzy's Candy Quest Tiny Toon Adventures - Wacky Sports Tiny Toon Adventures 2 - Montana's Movie Madness Tip Off Titus the Fox TNN Outdoors Fishing Champ To-Heart Columns TOCA Touring Car Championship Tokimeki Memorial Pocket Tokio Senki Toki Tori Tokoro Jr. Tokoro San no Setagaya Country Club Tom and Jerry Tom and Jerry - Frantic Antics Tom and Jerry - Mouse Hunt Tom and Jerry in Mouse Attacks! Tomb Raider Tomb Raider - Curse of the Sword Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Tonic Trouble Tonka Construction Site Tonka Raceway Tony Hawk's Pro Skater Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 Toobin' Toonsylvania Tootuff Top Gear Pocket Top Gear Pocket 2 Top Gun - Fire Storm Top Gun - Guts & Glory Top Ranking Tennis Top Rank Tennis Torpedo Range Total Carnage Total Soccer 2000 Totsugeki! Papparatai Tottemo! Luckyman Tottoko Hamutarou - Tomodachi Daisakusen Dechu Touch Boy System ROM Tower of Druaga, The Towers - Lord Baniff's Deceit Toxic Crusaders Toy Story Toy Story 2 Toy Story Racer Track & Field Track Meet Trade & Battle Card Hero Trap & Turn Trax Trick Boarder Triple Play 2001 Trip World Trouballs True Lies Trump Boy Trump Boy II Trump Collection GB Tsumego Tsume Go Series 1 - Fujisawa Hideyuki Meiyo Kisei Tsume Shougi - Hyakuban Shoubu Tsume Shougi - Kamiki Godan Tsume Shougi - Mondai Teikyou Shougi Sekai Tsuriiko!! Tsuri Sensei Tsuri Sensei 2 Tumble Pop Turn and Burn Turok - Battle of the Bionosaurs Turok - Rage Wars Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil Turok 3 - Shadow of Oblivion Turrican TV Champion Tweenies - Doodles' Bones Tweety's High-Flying Adventure Twin Two Hearts Tyco RC - Racin' Ratz Tyrian 2000 Uchuu Nin Tanaka Tarou de RPG Tsukuru GB2 Uchuu no Kishi Tekkaman Blade Uchuu Senkan Yamato Ultima - Runes of Virtue Ultima - Runes of Virtue II Ultimate Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, The by Frank Maggiore Ultimate Fighting Championship Ultimate Paint Ball Ultimate Surfing Ultra Golf Ultraman Ultraman Ball Ultraman Chou Toushi Gekiden Ultraman Club Umi no Nushi Tsuri 2 Undercover Cops Gaiden - Hakaishin Garumaa Undoukai Universal Soldier Uno Uno - Small World Uno 2 - Small World Urban Strike Urusei Yatsura - Miss Tomobiki o Saguse! V-Rally - Championship Edition Vattle Giuce Vegas Games Vegas Stakes Versus Hero - Kakutou Ou heno Michi Vex Block Vigilante 8 VIP Volley Fire Wacky Races Wakashino Resutoran Walt Disney World Quest - Magical Racing Tour Wapiko no Waku Waku Stamp Ralley! - Kingyo Chuuihou! Warau Inu no Bouken - Silly Go Lucky! Wario Blast Featuring Bomberman! Wario Land - Super Mario Land 3 Wario Land 3 Wario Land II Warlocked Warriors of Might and Magic Watashi no Kitchen Water World Wave Race Wayne's World WCW Main Event WCW Mayhem We're Back! - A Dinosaur's Story Wedding Peach - Jamapii Panic Welcome Nakayoshi Park Wendy - Der Traum von Arizona Wendy - Every Witch Way Wetrix GB Wheel of Fortune Who Framed Roger Rabbit Who Wants to Be a Millionaire - 2nd Edition Wild Snake Wild Thornberrys, The - Rambler Wings of Fury Winner's Horse Winnie the Pooh - Adventures in the 100 Acre Wood Winter Gold Wizardry Empire Wizardry Empire - Fukkatsu no Tsue Wizardry Gaiden 1 - Suffering of the Queen Wizardry Gaiden 2 - Curse of the Ancient Emperor Wizardry Gaiden 3 - Scripture of the Dark Wizardry I - Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord Wizardry II - Legacy of Llylgamyn Wizardry III - Knights of Diamonds Wizards & Warriors Chapter X - The Fortress of Fear Woody Woodpecker Woody Woodpecker Racing Wordtris WordZap Work Master 2 DEMO World Beach Volleyball 1991 GB Cup World Bowling World Circuit Series World Cup USA '94 World Destruction League - Thunder Tanks World Heroes 2 Jet World Ice Hockey Worms Worms Armageddon Worm Visitor (Sachen 4-in-1 Vol. 5) WWF Attitude WWF Betrayal WWF King of the Ring WWF Raw WWF Superstars WWF Superstars 2 WWF Warzone WWF WrestleMania 2000 X (Tech Demo) X - Ekkusu X-Men - Mutant Academy X-Men - Mutant Wars X-Men - Wolverine's Rage Xena - Warrior Princess Xenon 2 - Megablast Xtreme Sports Xtreme Wheels XVII Olympic Winter Games, The - Lillehammer 1994 Yaiba Yaka Sekaishi Yakouchuu Yakyuuman Yamakawa Nihon Yars' Revenge - The Quotile Ultimatum Yie Ar Kung Fu Yoda Stories Yogi Bear - Great Balloon Blast Yogi Bear in Yogi Bear's Goldrush Yojijukugo 288 Yoku Tsukawareru Eiken 2 Kyuu Level no Kaiwa Hyougen 333 Yoshi Yoshi's Cookie Yosou Umaban Club Your Virtual Petz Palz Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Duel Stories Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 4 - Saikyou Kettousha Senki Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters II - Yamikai Kettouki Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters III - Sanseisenshin Kourin Yu-Gi-Oh! Monster Capsule GB Yuu Yuu Hakusho Yuu Yuu Hakusho - Ankoku Bujutsu Kai Yuu Yuu Hakusho - Makai no Tobira Yuu Yuu Hakusho - Makai Touitsu Z - The Miracle of the Zone Zankurou Musouken Zebco Fishing! Zelda Shi Kong Zhi Zhang (Encrypted) Zen - Intergalactic Ninja Zen-Nihon Shounen Soccer Taikai - Mezase Nihon Ichi! Zen-Nippon Pro Wrestling Jet Zerd no Densetsu Zerd no Densetsu 2 - Xerd!! Gishin no Ryouiki Zettai Muteki Raijinou Zhong Zhuan Qi Bing Zidane Football Generation Zipball (Sachen 4-in-1 Vol. 9) Z Kai - Chuga Kueitango 1132 Translator Z Kai - Eigo Kobun 285 Translator Z Kai - Etan 1500 Translator Z Kai - Jukugo 1017 Translator Z Kai - Kyukyoku no Kobun Tango Zoboomafoo - Playtime In Zobooland Zoids - Jashin Fukkatsu! Genobreaker Hen Zoids - Shirogane no Juukishin Liger Zero Zoids Densetsu Zok Zok Heroes Zoo Block Zool Zoop
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