Список изменений
Nov 4, 2021:Tiny Bugfix UpdateThis is a small update to fix a recently discovered bug.
- It is no longer possible to submit certain illegal moves by clicking them really fast. Don't ask.
Oct 7, 2020:Feature and Content Update! Clocks, Guide, Puzzles, Pieces, Variants!Changelog:
Big changes to the in-game guide. New time controls (clocks) for competitive matches, and a new splash screen.
Puzzles! Added 14 puzzles, some easy and some hard. Minor modifications to existing puzzles for better tutorialization.
- New Rook Tactics IV (old IV is now V).
- New Bishop Tactics IV and V.
- Modified Bishop Tactics I and II.
- New Pawn Tactics I, II, and III.
- New King Tactics III.
- New Opening Traps II and V (old II and III are now III and IV).
- New Unicorn Tactics I and II.
- New Dragon Tactics I.
- New Tricky Checkmates III.
- New Advanced Branching II.
Added 8 variants, featuring 3 new piece types (read about them in the in-game guide!).
- Modified Misc - Very Small
- Renamed a few variants for clarity ("Misc - Small Open" to "Small - Open" etc)
- New Misc - Royal Queen Showdown
- New Misc - King of Kings
- New Standard - Reversed Royalty
- New Simple - Simple Set
- New Focused - Just Brawns
- New Misc - Timeline Skirmish
- New Misc - Timeline Fragments
- New Misc - Timeline Marauders
Conor Petersen
Sep 18, 2020:New variants, other small patches, and future plans.In the past few weeks, a series of patches have collectively included the the following changes:
Misc:- Mac and Linux versions are available (since about 8/29).
- Colorblind mode for r/g blindness.
- Some changes clarifying the purpose of various UI elements.
Bugfixes:- Very minor graphical bug fixes.
- Fixed a bug that caused CPU opponents to get stuck "Thinking..." in certain conditions.
- Fixed bugs that caused the game to get stuck "Looking..." in certain conditions. All known causes of this bug are addressed in the current version.
New variants:The community has developed some very sharp lines on the Standard board. Tired of losing to (0T5)Qf3>>x(0T1)f7+? Join the official Discord
5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel Discord and try to develop a defense, or discuss the newly added variants and weigh in on which might be the new Standard for competitive play.
- Standard - Defended Pawn
- Standard - Princess (featuring a new type of Queen w/ only rook+bishop movement).
- Standard - Turn Zero
- Standard - Two Timelines
Upcoming Content Update:
A larger content patch is currently in development, which will feature clocks for online and local matches, more non-standard pieces, as well as variants and puzzles featuring these pieces and other interesting situations and challenges.